NH #578: NYC Nuclear PSA Disinfo Hogwash – You Don’t “Got This” – NYCAN’s Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, Seth Shelden
This Week’s Featured Story:
- The NYC Emergency Management Office released a bombshell last week – a video PSA on how to survive a nuclear attack! …and it has generated a firestorm of its own. It’s the 1950’s laughable Duck and Cover drill, repackaged in all seriousness for hip Millennials:
Featured Interview:
To counter the disinformation embedded in this PSA, I spoke with two experts in New York nuclear matters:
- Dr. Kathleen Sullivan is is a disarmament educator and nuclear abolitionist, author, and producer of documentaries. She has been engaged in the nuclear issue for the last 30 years.
- Seth Shelden is the United Nations Liaison for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize-winning coalition working to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.
- Together, they helped to found NYCAN – The New York Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, a partner organization of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
We spoke on Monday, July 18, 2022
Perspective on the Content of the NYC Nuclear PSA:
- True Impact of 475 Kt. Nuclear bomb explosion over Manhattan – more than 30 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb:

- Destruction of 15 kt atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, August 8, 1945. NOTE that this is 1/30th of the power of Russia’s most common modern nuclear weapon.

Where in the after picture of Hiroshima is “inside?” “Shower?” “Media infrastructure?“
More Accurate Nuclear Attack PSA (satire):
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story – Linda Pentz Gunter
- The nuclear industry is inherently racist, sexist, and ageist.
- Harvey Wasserman article: Newsom Wants to Keep Dangerous California Nuclear Power Plants Open