NH #664: Keep Your Money Out of Nukes! Anti-Nuclear Financial Fitness w/Domini’s Mary Beth Gallagher
This Week’s Featured Interview:

Mary Beth Gallagher
- Want to know how to stop nukes? Follow the money – and then take it away from the nuclear industry. Mary Beth Gallagher is Director of Engagements for Domini Impact Investments, a mutual fund firm that’s women-led and, among other ethical choices, does not invest in any company that manufactures any part of nuclear weapons. After hearing her speak at the United Nations Second Meeting of States Parties on the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons last December, I knew the conscientious listeners of Nuclear Hotseat deserved to hear what she had to say.
I spoke with Mary Beth Gallagher on January 26, 2024.
Links mentioned during the interview:
- Domini Impact Investments: https://domini.com/invest/
- Investors Open Statement to States Parties on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW): https://divest.icanw.org/investors_open_statement_to_states_parties_on_the_treaty_on_the_prohibition_of_nuclear_weapons_tpnw, (signed by 111 investors representing at least $1,007 billion assets under management as of 1 December 2023)
- As You Sow Weapons Free Funds: https://weaponfreefunds.org/
- US Sustainable Investment Forum (USSIF) chart of Sustainable Investment Mutual funds and ETFs: https://charts.ussif.org/mfpc/
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter
A Hollywood letter calling for an end to nuclear weapons was the initiative of an organization that promotes nuclear power. No two thumbs up to that.
And here’s a LINK to Linda Pentz Gunter’s article on this letter in Beyond Nuclear.
The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge
Another American anti-nuclear activist is facing prison time in Germany for protesting nuclear weapons.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Fukushima post office is “a symbolic step towards normalcy?” Gimme a break!
- Film – Tsukushima: Fukushima Speaks – Subtitled in English, available for one week.
- Hot Poetry Contest – sponsored by Hanford Challenge for U.S. school students
ENTRY FORM - Not Just Oppenheimer – How other scientists tried to change nuclear weaons policy for the better – and how some succeeded.
- Nuclear industry wants Canada to lift ban on reprocessing plutonium, despite proliferation risks