NH #71 – Nuclear Reactors = Nuclear Bombs: Alice Slater; Wisconsin Nuke Plant to Close, SanO Leaks Again!

INTERVIEW Alice Slater, Founder of Abolition 200 and New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.  Learn how every nuclear reactor has “a bomb in the basement,”and how nuclear is just one outpost in the global fight for freedom and sanity.  www.abolition2000.org; www.wagingpeace.org.


  • San Onofre leaks again and it’s not even on line!
  • Dominion’s Wisconsin nuke plant Kewaunee goin’ down for good because no one wants to buy it!
  • Lithuania‘s nonbinding referendum, which showed 62% against nukes, bums out GE-Hitachi (awwwww!);
  • Butterfly mutations showing up in genomic progression in Japan;
  • NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK:  a “nuclear preparedness” boilerplate press kit suitable for any level of disaster!  A Homeland Security special!  Our tax dollars at work, indeed…  http://www.crcpd.org/Homeland_Security/NuclearPowerPlantMaterial.pdf
  • Dutch Sinse outs the entire “sky is falling” Fukushima hoax that hit the Internet this week: http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/