NH #46 – Shaun Burnie of Friends of the Earth, Japan Nuke-Free on May 5, CA Nuke-Free Now
In this week’s episode of Nuclear Hotseat:
- Interview w/Shaun Burnie, nuclear consultant to Friends of the Earth U.S. and Greenpeace Germany, on the current status of Fukushima and Japan as the country is about to shut down its last operating nuclear reactor on May 5;
- New Chernobyl structure started to replace sarcophagus, but radiation released by digging at 100 to 1000 times normal;
- In India, Koodankulam activists resume hunger strike against nuclear power;
- California temporarily nuke-free after jellyfish-like salps jam water intake pipes and shut down Diablo Canyon as San Onofre remains offline;
- 90% of Japanese urine samples within 200 kilometers of Fukushima contaminated w/cesium;
- Vermont Yankee protesters ages 60-92 breach reactor site security before arrest… and subsequent release;
- NIRS continues the growing protest against NRC’s Svnicki’s attempt to re-up for another 5 years as Commissioner. Keep the momentum going; sign the protest letter here: http://www.nirs.org/reactorwatch/licensing/svinickiboxerletter42712.pdf
- Beyond Nuclear spearheads protest of Washington Post pro-nuke editorial that labels Fukushima “non-catastrophic.” Full info at: http://www.beyondnuclear.org/. Scroll down to the article, “Were You Outraged?”
- Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds.com tells us exactly how to shut down the entire U.S. nuclear industry (hint: it’s a “capital” idea)! Watch the video: