NH #286: NRC’s Email OOPS! Blows Lid Off Pilgrim Nuclear Dangers – Diane Turco + Rocky Flats Health Study w/Kristen Iversen
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This Week’s Featured Interviews:
- Diane Turco of Cape Downwinders on what it was like to be the recipient of a wayward NRC email that spilled the beans on how bad the Entergy’s Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station at the base of Cape Cod really is.
Christine Legere’s excellent front-page article in the Cape Cod Times (cover pictured above)
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Contact our elected officials & demand NRC revoke operating license of Pilgrim NOW. #mobilize4survival #ShutPilgrimNow #NRC
Call these officials:
- NRC Chair Stephen Burns: 301-415-1750 [email protected]
- Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker: 617.725.4005
- Senator Ed Markey: 202.224.4543
- Senator Elizabeth Warren: 202.224.4543
- AG Maura Healey: 617.727.2200
- Rep. Bill Keating: 202.225.3111
- Kristen Iversen, author of the superb book Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats, explains the Preliminary Results of the Rocky Flats Health Survey, which is meant to determine what has happened to the health of those who lived and worked in proximity with that nuclear weapons production site near Denver and Boulder, Colorado.
Numnutz of the Week (for Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Do NOT trust real estate agents to tell you if there’s a nuclear radiation danger in that home you’re thinking to buy. Always ask if there’s a problem. And then – DON’T BELIEVE THEM! (Cautionary tales included.)