NH #252: SimplyInfo’s Nancy Foust w/Fukushima, Kumamoto/Sendai Nukes FACTS + Christian Brunn on film, “The Man Who Saved the World”
This Week’s Featured Interviews:
- Nancy Foust of SimplyInfo.org, which holds and manages the largest public archive of data on the Fukushima disaster in the world, on how that group finds and vets its info. Includes up to the minute report on Sendai nuclear reactors after Kumamoto quakes in Japan.
- Christian Brunn, Executive Producer of “The Man Who Saved the World,” on the story of Stanislav Petrov, the Russian soldier who was in charge of Russia’s nuclear launch facility in 1983 when a computer malfunction showed that the United States had launched five warheads at his country. Protocol, nationalism, pressure from those in the control room and the expectations of his position all pressured Stanislav to order them to push the button that would start World War III – but he did not. The film explores the tremendous price he paid for having done the right thing and will be featured in next week’s International Uranium Film Festival in Los Angeles.
- For free tickets to the April 27 International Uranium Film Festival, Email: [email protected].
- PETITION: Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) calling for No 2020 Tokyo Olympics Events in Fukushima (yes, they’re really planning to have events and housing in the radiation zone!)
Bernie Sanders meme by Gail Payne.