NH #251: West Lake Moms Meet w/White House Reps & EPA’s Gina McCarthy!

This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • West Lake Just Mom Dawn Chapman reveals the inner workings on the long-desired and oft-thwarted DC meeting she and fellow/sister Just Mom Karen Nickel had with Environmental Protection Agency head Gina Never-Met-A-Nuke-I-Didn’t-Like-And-Cover-For McCarthy.  And oh yes, they also met with White House representatives who are the EPA’s bosses and report directly to President Obama.  All to bring to the attention of our government the shocking lack of action to resolve the problem of the illegally buried World War II nuclear weapons waste at the West Lake Landfill that’s been poisoning the residents of North St. Louis for over 40 years… and now there’s an underground fire that can’t be put out bearing down on it.  Tra la, tra lay!

Numnutz of the Week:

French Energy Minister Ségolène Royal must be terribly passive aggressive, have a screw loose or just not understand how nuclear reactor decontamination works because she offered the site of the soon-to-be-decommissioned Fessenheim nuclear plant in the Alsace region near the German border to Elon Musk as the perfect place for him to build a Tesla manufacturing site!

 The Missing Links:


Touring West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills
(l-r: Mali Lightfoot, Libbe HaLevy, Byron DeLear, Kay Drey, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Karen Nickel)
Photo:  Jonathan Lehmann

PHOTO: Courtesy Ed Smith of the Missouri Coalition on the Environment.  (l-r) Dawn Chapman, Karen Nickel, Ed Smith