NH #240: HEALTH! Holistic Strategies and Radiation Safeguarding for Porter Ranch and Beyond – Dr. Diane Sandler, Kimberly Roberson
This Week’s Featured Interviews:
- Dr. Diane Sandler is doctor of Oriental medicine and a craniosacral therapist who has been practicing in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles for three decades. Her focus has been to support her patients in co-creating optimum health through lifestyle changes and deep core work that lead to cellular change.
- Kimberly Roberson is a Certified Nutrition Educator, a former Greenpeace nuclear campaigner, the founder of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network, and author of Silence Deafening: Fukushima Fallout… a Mother’s Response. She is the co-creator, with Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy, of Radiation Awareness Protection Talk (RAPT).
Numnutz of the Week:
Pandora’s evil promise starts to visibly take hold of energy policy as two states – two! in a single week! – announce that nuclear must be included in their “clean energy” portfolios.
The Missing Links:
- Department of Energy tries to change the rules on nuclear waste disposal.
- States Lack Rules for handling disposal of fracking’s radioactive drilling waste
- Harvey Wasserman: Documents say Navy Knew Fukushima Dangerously Contaminated the USS Reagan
- Nuclear Power Plant Accidents since 1952 – a partial list