NH #196: Three Mile Island Anniversary SPECIAL


The 36th Anniversary of the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, PA, is remembered in this reconstruction of the first three days in human terms – how people first learned of it, the early lies and attempts at a cover-up, how the media dug into the story instead of whitewashing it, and what even hearing the word “evacuation” did to that part of the world.

Three Mile Island


  • Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education (www.Fairewinds.com);
  • Middletown, PA resident Mary Stamos, who lived within six miles of the reactors.  She reports on the earliest impact from the accident and the difficulty getting information through official channels;
  • Three Mile Island Alert technical expert Scott Portzline, on suspicions  held by the NRC of possible sabotage (www.TMIA.com);
  • Former Nuclear Regulatory  Commissioner Peter Bradford;
  • With media clips of Walter Cronkite’s special CBS Three Mile Island report on the third day of the accident;
  • Interviews with Metropolitan Edison officials and nuclear workers done by reporters at the time of the accident;
  • Audio of decisions being made in the control room at the time, recorded by accident on a dictaphone.

All interwoven with Libbe HaLevy’s story of what it was like to be one mile from a nuclear meltdown as it was happening.

Read Libbe’s full story of what happened when she was caught one mile from the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island… and its impact on the rest of her life in:

Libbe HaLevy's nuclear memoir: Yes, I Glow in the Dark: One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Beyond
Libbe HaLevy’s nuclear memoir: Yes, I Glow in the Dark: One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Beyond – available as an ebook on Amazon Kindle (click image)

Truth and Lies about Three Mile Island (and Fukushima): A Short Video by Myla Reson



It’s not about the Beirut airport catching radioactive feminine hygiene products shipped to them from Dubai; it’s that US airports aren’t set up to examine shipments and catch this kind of problem.