NH #188: DIABLO CANYON SHUT-IT-DOWN SPECIAL! Gundersen! Wasserman! Moglen! More!

Activists in San Luis Obispo   Banner concept and photo by Myla Reson, banner executed by Laura Lynch
Activists in San Luis Obispo for the Jan. 24-25 Strategy Conference to Shut Down Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.  Banner concept and photo by Myla Reson, banner executed by Laura Lynch.  Can you spot Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy?


Full show dedicated to the January 24-25 Diablo Canyon Shutdown Strategy Conference, which took place in San Luis Obispo, California, 12 miles from the nuclear reactors.

Event speakers heard in this episode:

  • Jane Swanson and Linda Seeley from San Luis Obispo Mother’s for Peace, which hosted the event and has been fighting Diablo Canyon for more than 40 years (www.MothersForPeace.org);
  • Testimony by Daniel Hirsch, University of California, Santa Cruz lecturer on nuclear policy, before Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Committee on Environment and Public Works;
  • Jerry Brown of World Business Academy on the Joseph Mangano/Radiation and Public Health Project‘s epidemiological study on cancer rates in San Luis Obispo County (www.Radiation.org);
  • Damon Moglen of Friends of the Earth on shutdown strategies and talking points (www.FOE.org);
  • Donna Gilmore of San Onofre Safety on the false safety promises of dry cask storage (www.SanOnofreSafety.org);
  • Attorney Mike Aguirre on the need to find and protect whistleblowers;
  • Veteran activist Harvey Wasserman on transitioning to solar (www.Solartopia.org);
  • Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education on focusing our shutdown strategies (www.Fairewinds.org);
  • Chumash elder Fred Collins and Japanese Buddhist monk Sawada-Shonin blessing our efforts

Thanks to Mary Beth Brangan, Jim Heddle and Ecological Options Network (EON3) for audio of Dan Hirsch from the Barbara Boxer Senate hearings.  EON3 has over 600 videos on nuclear and other environmental issues available on YouTube.

NOTE:  Many speakers from the conference not heard in this program will be featured on future episodes of Nuclear Hotseat.