NH #178: Fukushima Kids, Moms & Thyroids – Filmmaker Ian Thomas Ash, Voices from Japan w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko
Japan-based Filmmaker Ian Thomas Ash talks about how he came to shoot his documentary, “A-2-B-C” on radiation risks to children and damage to their thyroids following the start of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Voices from Japan Co-Producer Beverly Findlay-Kaneko voices her husband, U. G. Kaneko, in a report on his most recent trip to Fukushima and an update on the radiation dangers from waste “removal” and incineration.

Disaster drill disaster! Niigata calls off 2014 evacuation drill because 2013 evacuation drill had people evacuating directly into the hypothetical plume. This year, they can’t even decide when to distribute Potassium Iodide, let alone who should get it! How about RIGHT NOW and EVERYBODY IN JAPAN?
- WIPP exhaust fan restart whips radionuclides into Carlsbad, NM, radiation spikes. Don Hancock of Southwest Information and Resource Center predicted this exact scenario on Nuclear Hotseat #174, Oct. 21, 2014. (Hancock will be interviewed on next week’s show.)
- Honeywell’s Metropolis, Illinois uranium conversion facility accident downgraded by NRC to Alert status as intended restart stalls out.
- Massive radiation spike at Fukushima continues; levels up over 1,000% in just 10 days.
- Beautiful poem by “Sasukensuke” (her Twitter handle), posted under the title, “The Sorrow of Living in Fukushima.” (Thanks to Nelson Surjon and www.Evacuate-Fukushima.com.)