NH #177: Fukushima Update – Arnie Gundersen
Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education (Fairewinds.com), Nuclear Hotseat’s favorite nuclear engineer, gives a concise, clear interpretation of what’s behind TEPCO’s recent announcements regarding water radiation levels, the removal of fuel rods from the fuel pool at Unit 4, and the hole in the roof of Unit 1; manipulation of Japanese doctors to eliminate evidence of radiation-related diseases in Fukushima’s survivors; and an elegantly brilliant way to deprive the nuclear industry of its peak energy profits, thus hastening its demise.
SPECIAL – Nuclear Hotseat’s UK Correspondent, Shaun McGee, reports on manipulations by the government regarding the British Nuclear Test Veterans Case, as well as actions taken against well-known opponents to nuclear, Prof. Christopher Busby and Dr. Ian Fairleigh. Exclusive to Nuclear Hotseat.
The United States absolutely denied that there was a need for testing for radiation in food after Fukushima… except when it came to the delegates to the 2012 Republican and Democratic Conventions!

- NYTimes publishes nuke industry-inspired propaganda article AGAINST testing for thyroid cancer because too many cases of it have been found!
- Radiation found in Pacific Ocean off the west coast of North America: Vancouver, BC; Eureka in Northern California; Orange County in Southern California;
- Prof. Chris Busby hacked after supporting the military personnel in the British Nuclear Test Veterans Case.