NH #172: Dr. Helen Caldicott, “Crisis Without End”
Rudolph’s not the only reindeer glowing in Norway…
Dr. Helen Caldicott – Nobel Peace Prize nominee, founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, pediatrician, veteran anti-nuclear activist and author – discusses her latest book,
“Crisis Without End” about Fukushima’s medical and ecological consequences, and her upcoming
2015 Symposium on Nuclear Weapons.
Dr. Helen Caldicott (r) with Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy at the 2013 Symposium on the Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Two core graphite bricks are cracked, but hey, that’s “expected” in the lifetime of the Hunterston B nuke facility in Scotland. So is its lifetime over? Hah! This is nuclear! They just upped the number of “expected” cracks and call it safe. Numnutz, indeed!
- “Enormous orange flash” over Iranian military facility suspected of harboring secret nuke program; was it nuclear?
- Japan’s typhoon Phanfone sets off alarms, triggers leaks at Fukushima Units 1 & 3;
- Congress wakes up to join Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe to oppose Ontario’s proposed nuclear waste site less than a mile from Lake Huron;
- Judge upholds 20-year ban on new uranium mines near Grand Canyon;
- Department of Energy blows deadline to start emptying leaking nuke waste storage tank at Hanford site in Washington, so the state gives ’em another 18 months before the start… and still, the stuff keeps leaking!
- Sweden phasing out all nuclear if coalition of ruling Social Democrats and Green Party have their way;
- Radioactivity in Norway’s reindeer hits new high; Rudolph not the only one who’s glowing.