NH #141: Shocking Cancer Stats @Diablo Canyon w/Dr. Jerry Brown

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  • Dr. Jerry Brown, director of the Safe Energy Project for the Santa Barbara-based World Business Academy, talks about the new study commissioned from esteemed epidemiologist Joseph Mangano.  It reveals shocking cancer statistics in counties adjacent to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.  Link to a free pdf of the study: http://worldbusiness.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Report-on-Health-Status-of-Residents-Near-Diablo-Canyon-Nuclear-Power-Plant.pdf
  • Don Hancock of Southwest Research and Information Center provides an update on the Valentine’s Day radiation release at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico.  Thirteen above ground workers now know to have been exposed to Plutonium, Americium.  How big was the release and how far did it go?  And when will we know?  www.sric.org for updates.

LOL if it weren’t so upsetting.


Evil Numnutz as World Nuclear News releases a report that they claim “proves” that Fukushima residents are “unlikely to receive doses significantly different to normal background radiation levels as a result of the accident.”  What are those people smoking/drinking?


  • Hanford site threatened by cracked dam 40 miles upstream;
  • Hawaiian state senators call for radiation tracking in their local Pacific waters, citing fish found w/high levels of cesium contamination;
  • Babcock and Wilcox – makers of low quality nuclear reactors including the one that melted down at Three Mile Island – can’t find buyers for their small modular nuclear reactors, while Exelon threatens to shut down 3 reactor sites in Illinois because they aren’t making any money – awwwwwww! (not!);
  • “Mind boggling” levels of cesium found in Fukushima reservoirs as rockfish caught off the coast found even more radioactive than Japan’s permissive permissible levels;
  • Hundreds rally in Tokyo to protest prosecutors letting TEPCO off the hook without a single indictment, while government persecuting journalist Mari Takenouchi for speaking out on radation risks and the need to evacuate children from Fuushima.  Here’s a link to a petition to support Takenouchi: http://nuclear-news.net/2014/03/03/support-mari-takenouchi-and-radiation-protection-the-attack-on-japanese-truthtellers-continues/
  • RadCast Radiation Weather Report w/Mimi German;
  • …and more!  More!  More!