NH #134: NIRS New Head Tim Judson + India’s Kumar Sundaram
INTERVIEW: Long-time anti-nuclear activist Tim Judson took over as Executive Director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) on the first of the year. Hear what this long-time anti-nuclear activist sees as the strategies our movement can use against entrenched, monied nuclear interests, as well as a fascinating revelation about Entergy that exposes the vulnerable underbelly of that underfinanced nuclear slumlord.
Kumar Sundaram, anti-nuclear firebrand and organizer in India, offers insights into the upcoming nuclear-fueled visit to India of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo “Pinnochio” Abe-baby and shows us how to join the massive protests by way of a poster and a selfie. FULL INFO HERE:
NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Shinzo “Pinnochio” Abe-Baby. Prime Ministers say the darndest things!
- SPECIAL OCEAN REPORT, with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Ken Buessler organizing a crowdsourced Pacific Ocean water sampling project to determine radionuclides in the water. To participate, go to: www.whoi.edu
- Race for governor of Tokyo heats up w/former Prime Minister and now anti-nuclear candidate Hosokawa joining the fight;
- New Japanese study confirms what we’ve known all along: there’s no way to evacuate from a nuclear disaster before the radiation plume hits;
- and between the Fort Calhoun and St. Lucie nuclear reactors, nukes can’t seem to keep operating if it snows or rains. What a wimpy, flawed technology!
- RadCast w/Mimi German, of course!
- BONUS: How Radioactive is Your Gourmet Jam? Cesium 127 found in European gourmet and organic fruit preserves. Full story from Enformable and Lucas Hixon here: http://www.fukuleaks.org/web/?p=12058