NH #128: Talkin’ Nuke Trash w/Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps

Japanese protestor holds up graphic by 281_Antinuke
Japanese protestor holds up graphic by 281_Antinuke

INTERVIEW:  KEVIN KAMPS is Radioactive Waste Watchdog for
Beyond Nuclear.  He specializes in high-level waste management and transportation; new and existing reactors; decommissioning; Congress watch; climate change; federal subsidies — in other words, all the complex issues at the top of the nuclear-industrial-governmental food chain.

NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK:  TEPCO, Fukushima Prefecture AND the Japan Football Association.  They plan to turn a soccer training center located so close enough  the nuclear accident that it was used as housing for Fukushima workers back into… a training center for elite athletes.  Just in time for the 2020 Olympics!  Elite athetes training in a radiation zone — woo hoo! 

Fukushim is Here Baby - by Gail Payne
Fukushima is Here Baby – by Gail Payne


  • Japan in uproar as PM Abe-Baby pushes Secrecy Act through the Diet;
  • Strontium 90 from Fukushima predicted to start hitting the Pacific this week;
  • World Bank sniffs, “We don’t do nuclear energy,” while Norwegian investment fund dumps TEPCO stock;
  • Chernobyl getting new containment mega-building;
  • NRC DUCK! and Cover report; 
  • RadCast radiation “weather” report;
  • and Japan plansto train its 2020 Olympic athletes where?!?!?   
Image by 281_Antinuke
Image by 281_Antinuke