NH #117: Olympic Insanity + If Gundersen were in Charge at Fukushima

INTERVIEW: Former nuclear industry insider Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education (www.Fairewinds.com) paints a clear picture of the current state of problems at Fukushima Daiichi… and then explains what he would do if he were in charge of the disaster site. His first five minutes on the job would be awesome – and that’s a word I almost never use!
NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: The International Olympic Committee for awarding the 2020 Olympics to Japan. You had to ask?
- Nuclear Spin-Speak attaining tornado-like vortex as Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe-Baby seeks to quash any Olympics opposition based on suspicions of the negative impact of Fukushima radionuclides on athletes and fans?
- Japanese professor equates TEPCO w/the “Homer Simpson School of Nuclear Safety” <!>;
- Fukushima crane starts to fall over (the equipment, not the bird or the oragami);
- Fish of growing public concern to China, Korea, some Canadians and Guam?!? but not the US FDA, EPA, NOAA;
- British embassy in Japan supports Fukushima by playing cricket in the evacuation zone. There’s a reason why they lost the empire…
- Article by Mycle Schneider on nuclear’s loss of financial viability for investors, w/current stats for how bad they’re getting clobbered:http://www.mareeg.com/fidsan.php?Nuclear-Power%E2%80%99s-Renaissance-in-Reverse-&sid=30384&tirsan=10