NH #606: Greg Mello of Los Alamos Study Group Vs. Nuclear Deterrence Summit Warmongers
Greg Mello of Los Alamos Study Group takes on Nuclear Deterrence Summit Warmongers!

This Week’s Featured Interview
- Greg Mello is Executive Director and a founder of the Los Alamos Study Group (LASG). He has led its varied activities since 1992, including policy research, environmental analysis, congressional education and lobbying, community organizing, litigation, advertising, and the nuts and bolts of funding and running a small nonprofit. From time to time he has served as a consulting analyst, writer, and spokesperson for other nuclear policy organizations. Greg was educated as a systems engineer with a broad scientific background and as a regional planner with emphases in environmental planning and regional economics.
In 1984 Greg led the first regulatory enforcement at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and that lab has kept him busy ever since. Here, we talk first about LASG and then get to his upcoming trip to the Nuclear Deterrence Summit, the annual trade show for nuclear contractors, warmongers, war criminals, and the boys who love all things nuclear.
I spoke with Greg Mello on January 27, 2023
Link: Don’t Bank on the Bomb – Simple steps you can take to stop your bank from investing in nuclear weapons-producing companies.
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- Samuel Lawrence Foundation is hosting a online forum 11:30 a.m. PST Feb. 3 with physicist Edwin Lyman, PhD, Director of Nuclear Power Safety for the Union of Concerned Scientists. The online forum is free and open to the public.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86148500220#success - Ukraine’s reactors remain at risk as one-year anniversary of war looms