NH #607: Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Trickery – San Onofre, Three Mile Island UPDATE

Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Trickery – San Onofre, Three Mile Island UPDATE

Cathy Iwane of Coalition for Nuclear Safety for San Onofre UPDATE

This Week’s Featured Interviews:

  • FOR SAN ONOFRE UPDATE: Cathy Iwane is co-founder of Coalition for Nuclear Safety who works closely with San Clemente Green and Public Watchdogs. Formerly from Japan, she and her family moved to southern California in the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear triple meltdown disaster.
  • FOR THREE MILE ISLAND UPDATE: Eric Epstein is Executive Director of Three Mile Island Alert.

LINKS for San Onofre Information mentioned in interview:

Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter:

Building small modular reactors; nuclear powered rockets to Mars; nuclear power plants on the Moon — They’re all Really Bad Ideas. So why do governments insist on pursuing them?


Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

UPDATE: Before last week’s Numnutz – the tiny radioactive capsule gone on walkabout in Australia – was found, its journey was memorialized in this piece from First Dog On the Moon: