#603: NRC Cops Out on 2 Planned In-Person Comanche Peak License Meetings – Citizens Call for Congressional Hearings – Karen Hadden

NRC Cops Out on Planned In-Person Comanche Peak License Meetings – Citizens Call for Congressional Hearings to Investigate – SEED Coalition’s Karen Hadden
- Aging nuclear reactors become increasingly dangerous and prone to breakdowns and radiation releases. According to genuine experts, Comanche Peak’s two nuclear reactors should be retired, but the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering letting them run for 20 additional years, until 2050.
Heading the fight to stop this license extension is Karen Hadden, Executive Director of the SEED Coalition. She has worked on energy and nuclear power issues since 2000 and won the 2022 Judy Jonsrud Unsung Hero award from Beyond Nuclear for years of anti-nuclear activism. We spoke about the NRC’s last minute shenanigans to avoid facing down concerned, informed citizens – and how it’s going to take Congressional hearings to get to the root of all the various NRC operational problems. We spoke on Monday January 9, 2023.
LINKS from the interview:
- ACTION TO TAKE: Please email the NRC [email protected], reference Docket ID NRC-2022-0078. Ask that in-person public meetings be held in Glen Rose, TX when possible to do so safely in terms of Covid. Deadlines to intervene and request a hearing should be postponed until that time as well.
- Docket Numbers – Facility Names05000445 – Comanche Peak 1 and 05000446 – Comanche Peak 2
- Related DocumentsML23009A036 – 01/17/2023 Environmental Scoping Meeting Related to the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application
- NRC posted online late on Jan. 9th – less than 24 hours before meetings were scheduled to occur – to postpone the scheduled in-person meetings. Instead of two 2-hour in-person meetings there will now be one 2-hour Zoom meeting:
January 17, 1-3 p,m. Central Time.
Webinar Meeting Number:214448191912
Webinar Password:kJ4pGw - SEED (Sustainable Energy & Economic Development) Coalition fought the proposed Comanche Peak 3 and 4 nuclear reactors as well as the proposed South Texas Project nuclear reactors, which were licensed but never built due to public opposition and exposure of the true costs involved. SEED Coalition is actively opposing dangerous nuclear waste storage plans for Texas, and opposes similar plans for New Mexico. To contact them directly, CLICK HERE.
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story – Linda Pentz Gunter
What could be more numnutz than substituting coal plants for nuclear ones? But this new scheme, Coal to Nuclear, is really about sustaining the nuclear weapons industry.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness)
- …but but but she HAD to put the nuclear facility’s TOP SECRET OPERATING SYSTEM on an UNSECURED USB drive so she could catch up with work on her UNSECURED home computer… in between compiling photos of family and cats, of course!
- PHOTO BOOK: 50 Years in a Nuclear Power Plant Town: Thinking about the Future from Onagawa by Author Mikiko Abe. To order CLICK HERE.
- Doomsday Clock Announcement on January 24, 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time
- In memory of Pradeep Indulkar: Join DiaNuke Online Conversation on 21 January 2023
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