NH #627: More Nuclear Reactors for Illinois? + Whistleblower: IAEA Pre-Approval of Fukushima Radioactive Water Release – the Fix is In

More Nuclear Reactors for Illinois? + Whistleblower: IAEA Pre-Approval of Fukushima Radioactive Water Release – the Fix is In

1.3 million tons of radioactive water at Fukushima that IAEA and Japan have already agreed to release into the Pacific Ocean. This shows the “outhouse” through which the radioactive water will be pumped.

BREAKING: Internal IAEA Document Shows Collusion with Japan to Eliminate Public Fears of RadWater
Release from Fukushima/i

A whistleblower released an internal International Atomic Energy Agency document that reveals collusion between IAEA and Japan to minimize the public’s fears about the planned radioactive water release from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean. The document was released to nuclear-news.netCLICK HERE to access story and copy of the document. If this is proven to be true, it shows that the IAEA is fully aware of the dangers of the water and is willing to do anything in its power to facilitate the release.

This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • Dave Kraft is a safe-energy/anti-nuclear advocate, and co-founder of Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), based in Chicago, who has served as its director since its inception in 1981. Kraft’s interest in the environment moved him to found NEIS with seven other people, to provide the public with credible information about the hazards and effects of nuclear power and waste, and the viable means to replace them.

    Kraft has testified in hearings related to nuclear power at the state and federal levels; and is a co-founder of the Radiation Monitoring Project, designed to provide training and field monitors to communities contaminated by radioactive substances. He has received recognition and awards for his work, including, in May 2016, the Judith Johnsrud “Unsung Hero of the Year” award for his lifelong activism.

    I spoke with Dave Kraft on June 25, 2023.
  • LINK to NEIS petition opposing construction of new nuclear reactors in Illinois, and supporting 100% renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, and transmission improvements.

Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story w/Linda Pentz Gunter

The Fukushima radioactive waste dump — which could start next month —  is part of an attempt to erase the nuclear accident altogether.
