NH #328: LA’s Nuclear Nightmare Continues – Boeing’s Santa Susana Field Lab Lies w/Denise Duffield + FUKUSHIMA UPDATE w/Nancy Foust
Featured Image: Children show map of pediatric cancers surrounding Santa Susana Field Lab
at Feb. 21, 2017 Department of Energy (DOE) meeting
Featured Interview:
- Denise Duffield is associate director of Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles (PSR-LA). She directs PSR-LA’s nuclear threats program, which advocates for health protective policies related to nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, and radiation regulations. Denise leads PSR-LA’s efforts to ensure a proper cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, a former nuclear and rocket testing facility that is highly polluted with radiological and chemical contamination.
SSFL Community Hearings – this week:
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Open house from 6 -7 and meeting from 7– 9 pm Grand Vista Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Open house from 2 – 3 and meeting from 3- 5 pm St. John Eudes Church, 9901 Mason Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311
FUKUSHIMA UPDATE – New Monthly Feature:
A new monthly feature with Nancy Foust of Simply Info bringing us all the latest information on the triple meltdown at Fukushima, with context and interpretation to understand not only what’s happening, but what it means.
Numnutz of the Week (for Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Deny deny deny deny — whether it’s in Southern California or northeastern Japan, the nuclear industry depends on repeating its lies so many times — especially to CHILDREN — that it sounds like truth… but it is not the truth! (Thanks to www.Nuclear-News.net for story and picture of website, below.)
The Missing Links:
- Keep Space for Peace Week Events
- 15-part mini-series, Nuclear Power in Our World Today (CLICK on picture to access latest video) featuring Fairewinds Energy Education’s Arnie Gundersen – “nuclear authority, engineer and whistleblower.”