NH #629: SPECIAL: Japan’s Radioactive Fukushima Water Dump – Media Propaganda, Report from South Pacific
SPECIAL: Japan’s Radioactive Fukushima Water Release – Media Propaganda, Report from Vanuatu in S Pacific

This Week’s SPECIAL Report:
With Japan’s pending release of 1.3 million tons of Tritium-contaminated radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approval of that plan, it is time for an examination of the issues behind this wrongheaded assault upon people and the environment. To find out various hidden aspects of the issue, Nuclear Hotseat provides five separate segments
- Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter considers that the IAEA’s vested interest in promoting nuclear power should disqualify the agency as a nuclear safety watchdog.
- Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones takes on the whistleblower leak of an internal IAEA document from June 21, which shows collusion between the agency and the government of Japan over how the announcement of approval of the water release was to be handled to minimize public fear and response. Japan has dismissed the document as a “fraud;” neither TEPCO nor IAEA has said anything else. What’s the bigger story?

UK-based marine biologist Tim Deere-Jones
- Filmmaker Philippe Carillo (The Fukushima Disaster: The Hidden Side of the Story) talks about Japan’s campaign to propagandize south Pacific journalists into only believing the talking points they’ve been fed and not to look further. (LINKS to his film posted below.)
- The Honorable Andrew Napuat, a Member of Parliament for Vanuatu, an island nation in the south Pacific, explains how his country and others have been manipulated to not speak out against the water release or risk “friendly” relations with Japan.

Vanuatu Member of Parliament, the Honorable Andrew Soloman Napuat
- Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy draws on her Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology to explain how Genomics – the imprint of trauma on DNA – travels through generations and expresses itself in individuals who never went through the initial trauma. Might the genomic imprint of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki be what’s behind Japan’s insistance on “nuking” the Pacific with radioactive waste water?
Links from Episode:
- Philippe Carillo’s film, The Fukushima Disaster: The Hidden Side of the Story), the full film, is now available on Amazon, iTunes, Google play and Vimeo on Demand:
- https://www.journeyman.tv/film/8421/the-fukushima-disaster
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-fukushima-disaster/id1672643918?ls=1
- https://www.amazon.co.uk/placeholder_title/dp/B0B8TK5FZC/ref=sr_1_1
- https://play.google.com/store/movies/details?id=vehqb5ex-L8.P&sticky_source_country=US&gl=US&hl=en&pli=1
Trailer for The Fukushima Disaster: The Hidden Side of the Story
Other Links:
- NPR interview with marine biologist Bob Richmond – a research professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.