NH #593: Nuclear War & Medical Impacts – Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Oscar-Winning Film “If You Love This Planet”
“If You Love This Planet” – Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Oscar-Winner on Medical Impact of Nuclear War

This Week’s SPECIAL Featured Interview:
- Dr. Helen Caldicott has probably done more to make the public around the world aware of the dangers of nuclear weapons, nuclear war, nuclear reactors and the entire nuclear fuel chain than any other individual in history. During more than 60 years of activism, she has founded or revived organizations including Physicians for Social Responsibility; led protests, spoken to presidents, been a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and the focus of an Academy Award-winning film, as she influenced several generations of activists to stand up against these weapons of mass destruction in the hopes of avoiding nuclear war.
In this extended interview, we take a look at IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET, the 1982 Oscar-winning film for Best Short Documentary. LINK to the film on Youtube is below. Please view, share, tell your friends, your politicians, people in line with you at the grocery story – if people want to understand exactly what we face from the threat of even a “limited” nuclear war, this is the film for them to see. We spoke on Thursday, October 30, 2022.
If You Love This Planet – Here’s the Film:
Companion Piece: 2022 Interview with Dr. Caldicott
List of Links to Resource Books from the Interview:
- Poisoned Power: The Case Against Nucler Power Plants by John Goffman, Arthur R. Tamplin
- Lynne Eden, Whole World On Fire
- With Enough Shovels: Reagan, Bush and Nuclear War by Robert Scheer.
- Dr. Helen Caldicott: Missile Envy: The Arms Race and Nuclear War
- CHERNOBYL: Consequences of the Disaster for People and the Environment – Alexey V. Yablokov (Editor), Vassily B. Nesterenko (Editor), Alexey V. Nesterenko (Editor), Dr. Janette Sherman (English Editor)
When Dr. Caldicott spoke of the one journalist who managed to get into Hiroshima and report on the ravages of radiation poisoning on the population, that story is the focus of a play that I’ve been working on, ATOMIC BILL AND THE PAYMENT DUE. I’m currently looking for a theatre workshop or development program to move the show forward to a full production, so if you know of someplace where I can continue my work on it, send an email to: [email protected].