NH #628: IAEA OKs Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive Water Release + Ukraine Nuclear Disaster Imminent?
IAEA OKs Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive Water Release + Ukraine Nuclear Disaster Imminent?

Google map photo of Fukushima water tank storage, showing open, unused land surrounding it which could be used to expand the radioactdive water storage area. Japan and TEPCO are acting like they have run out of space for storage, which they most definitely have not; they’re just not willing to spend the money.
This Week’s Featured Interview:
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has – no surprise – given its stamp of approval to Japan to dump 1.3 million tons of radioactive tritium-contaminated water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean. And in the U.S., decommissioning company Holtec plans to dump their tritium-contaminated water from the Pilgrim nuclear reactor into Cape Cod Bay, and from Indian Point into the Hudson River.
But no one bothers to ask, what is tritium? Is it dangerous? What does it do? How does it behave in water? What is the truth of what we will face if Japan and Holtec get away with these water dumps? What might happen to us if they do? And the meta question: what is the IAEA’s right to approve this nuclear pollution of the ocean, and who set the standards by which this level of contamination is allowed?
- To learn the truth about tritium. I spoke with Tim Deere-Jones. He is a UK-based marine biologist, researcher and consultant. Tim specializes in analysis of the radiation threats to our planet’s waters from a wide range of nuclear sources. Here, he gives a brief, powerful explanation of what we are up against.
- LINK to Tim Deere-Jones’ document containing notes and links behind this week’s interview,
- LINK to Dr. Ian Fairlie on Tritium Radiation Lies from Nuclear Hotseat #433
Conference on the International Legal Issues Response for Discharging Fukushima Nuclear Water
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story – Linda Pentz Gunter
It was hard not to gloat last week when a corrupt Ohio politician got a long prison sentence for leading a criminal racketeering scheme using bribes from a failing nuclear company.