NH #610: Holtec Threatens Radioactive Water Dump into Cape Cod Bay & Hudson River – Diane Turco, Manna Jo Green
Holtec Threatens Radioactive Water Dump from Pilgrim Nuclear into Cape Cod Bay & from Indian Point into Hudson River – Diane Turco, Manna Jo Green

This Week’s Featured Interviews:
Big nuclear decommissioning companies are planning to release radioactive tritium-contaminated water into major bodies of water. We usually think of this in connection with Japan, where they plan to discharge 1.3 million TONS of Fukushima’s radioactive water over the objections of Japanese citizens, the fishing industry, China, South Korea, and the Pacific Islanders. Outrageous – but if one lives in the U.S., there is a similar threat much closer to home, in Massachusetts and New York, and that’s what we look at this week.
- Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group that’s been fighting issues at the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor for more than 40 years. With decommissioning company Holtec barreling ahead on its decision to release radioactive water from Pilgrim’s spent fuel pools directly into Cape Cod Bay, possibly as soon as this summer, there’s been tremendous outcry against it. We last spoke with Diane Turco on Pilgrim problems for Nuclear Hotseat #550 on January 4, 2022; in the more than year that has passed, much more has come to the fore.
We spoke this time on Saturday, February 18, 2023.

- Manna Jo Greene has been the Environmental Director for Hudson River Sloop Clearwater for more than 20 years – and has been one of the leaders in the battle to shut down Indian Point, the nuclear reactor facility located only 36 miles from midtown Manhattan. We spoke on the day of the shutdown – Friday, February 17, 2023.
Links from Interviews:
- HALT HOLTEC PETITION MA – sign and share.
- Experts explain how tritium in water impacts health and safety
- Exploring Tritium Dangers
- Videos and Slides from Forum on Indian Point
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter
Putin’s suspension of the New START Treaty has provoked condemnation, but is a treaty that accepts the preservation of nuclear weapons worth saving?
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadness):
Come to the latest vacation hot spot… Fukushima???
- Zoominar: No Miracles Needed: How Today’s Technology Can Sav Our Climate and Clean Our Air – Scroll down for First Friday Series.
- Sign to support HB1079, Illinois’ moratorium on the building of new nuclear power plants until the federal government has a working permanent repository for high level spent fuel.
- “Daisy” ad from the 1964 election campaign of Lyndon Johnson for President: