NH #685: Hiroshima, Nagasaki 79th Anniversary -“Atomic Cover-Up” film, Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow accepts 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for ICAN

The remains of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb destroyed the city, 1945
ATOMIC COVER-UP – Director Greg Mitchell is the award-winning author of a dozen books including 2020’s “The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood–and America–Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” His previous books on the atomic bombings were “Hiroshima in America“ (with Robert Jay Lifton) and “Atomic Cover-up.” His film, ATOMIC COVER-UP, was released in April, 2021 and won the Best Archival Documentary award from the International Uranium Film Festival. I spoke with filmmaker Greg Mitchell on how this remarkable film came to be on Saturday, May 15, 2021.
- You can view the documentary ATOMIC COVERUP here.
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists video, How many people were killed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
- What happened to the bodies at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Hiroshima bomb survivor Setsuko Thurlow, accepting the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize
on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.
Setsuko Thurlow is a dedicated campaigner against nuclear weapons for ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear War. She was a 13-year-old child in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, in school when the United States dropped the atom bomb on that city.
As a hibakusha – atomic bomb survivor – Setsuko has worked tirelessly with ICAN. When the group received the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for its work in realizing the successful UN negotiations for a Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Setsuko – along with ICAN Executive Director Beatrice Fihn – accepted the award on behalf of the group. Here is the deeply moving speech Setsuko Thurlow gave on behalf of ICAN at the Nobel Peace Prize Awards Ceremony in Oslo, Norway, on December 10, 2017.
- Full Nobel peace prize ceremony link
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons – ICAN – www.ICANw.org
- World Beyond War – www.WorldBeyondWar.org
- Don’t Bank on the Bomb – www.DontBankOnTheBomb.com
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – www.WagingPeace.org
- VIDEO: Obstacles to Nuclear Abolition — a discussion with David Swanson, Alice Slater, and Bruce Gagnon
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter
As we remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki we must also look to the present as the dehumanization of people “not like us” continues.
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