NH #470: Hiroshima Nagasaki 75th Anniversary: Anti-Nuclear Livestream Seeks Submissions to Blast Bomb Boosters: PSR’s Martin Fleck, UCS’s Lilly Adams

This Week’s Featured Interview:

Hiroshima Nagasaki 75th Anniversary of the United States dropping atomic bombs on the two Japanese cities —  for the first time, activists will provide international online peace and anti-nuclear programs on August 6 and 9.  This will be counterprogramming to a media deluge by pro-nukers seeking another bombgasm.  A coalition of groups from around the country have been working to pull together a livestream of information, presentations, teach-ins, talks, testimonials, art, music, poetry and more.  To learn the details, on Monday, June 22, Libbe HaLevy spoke with two members of the “unbranded” (no one group taking the credit) event.

NOTE:  Proposals for participation in the Livestream will be held open until July 1.  If you wish to speak to commemorate the event, give a call to action, give a testimonial as to atomic/nuclear impact on you/your family/community, lead a teach-in, provide music, art, theatre, or whatever — you can submit a proposal by

  • Martin Fleck is the Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program Director for Physicians for Social Responsibility, where he develops and implements national campaigns for nuclear disarmament and sensible national security budget priorities. Martin has been promoting nuclear disarmament for 35 years. His career began with 6 years as a community organizer with Puget Sound SANE (Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy), followed by 16 years as the Executive Director of Washington state PSR (WPSR). In Washington, DC, he served as national coordinator of the Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Free World and joined PSR’s national staff in 2013.
  • Lilly Adams is an independent consultant specializing in nuclear weapons outreach and policy issues. She is currently an outreach consultant with the Union of Concerned Scientists in their Global Security Program. She was recently awarded a grant with the Ploughshares Fund Women’s Initiative. Through the grant, Lilly created Nuclear Voices (nuclear-voices.org), a database and resource center to support collaboration between nuclear frontline communities and nuclear policy groups. Lilly is a 2019 alumna of IGCC’s Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp, and previously ran the anti-nuclear weapons program at Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility.

Hiroshima Nagasaki 75 – to Submit a Proposal for the
August 6 and 9 Livestream, sign onto their position statement
or hear some of the testimonials…
Go to:  www.hiroshimanagasaki75.org

Hiroshima Nagasaki 75 Working Group members Martin Fleck of PSR and Lilly Adams of UCS
interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy.  Note that Martin looks red because
he suffers from bad lighting, nothing worse. 

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

Anyone who thinks that transport of high level radioactive nuclear waste to the proposed so-called “interim” high level radioactive waste dumps in New Mexico and West Texas is going to be safe, just check out two relevant accidents, uh, incidents from the past month – MADNESS! 

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