NH #440: Fukushima Journey, Pt. 2: Olympics Propaganda, Thyroid Cancers, Japanese Govt. Lies – 4 days in Fukushima Prefecture w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

Fukushima Journey – 4 days on-the-ground in Fukushima Prefecture w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko (l) and Setsuko Kida-san, here pictured in front of memorial for those who died in the 3/11/11 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster. Note the incinerator in the background (r), built to deal with fields of bags full of decontamination debris. Photo Copyright 2019, Yuji Kaneko; used by permission of photographer.

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This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • Fukushima Journey: The “Disappearing” Nuclear Disaster – 4 days on-the-ground in Fukushima Prefecture with Beverly Findlay-Kaneko continues. She lived in Yokohama, Japan for 20 years until March 2011 after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. She worked at Yokohama National University and The Japan Times. Beverly has a Master’s degree in East Asian Studies from Stanford University, and speaks Japanese fluently.

    Since returning from Japan, Beverly and her husband, Yuji Kaneko, have been active in raising awareness about nuclear issues, including the nuclear accident at Fukushima. Their main activities have included organizing speaking tours, giving presentations, networking in activist and nuclear-impacted communities in the U.S. and Japan, and co-producing the annual Nuclear Hotseat podcast “Voices from Japan” special on Fukushima

    This is the second half of the “Fukushima Journey” Nuclear Hotseat interview, based on more than three hours of source material. Pt. 1 appeared in episode #439 from November 19, 2019.

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

  • Fukushima food propaganda aimed at Pope Francis. I don’t care if he loves persimmons; he needs to stay away from these! As they say at the end of Time Bandits: “Don’t touch it! It’s evil!” (BOOM!)
Pope Francis in Japan: Hiroshima, Nagasaki Hope Pope Francis’s Visit Boosts Nuclear Abolition Campaign. Hopefully, he won’t fall for being a propaganda dupe and be seen to eat persimmons from Fukushima.