NH 608: Fukushima Child Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar – Joseph Mangano
Soaring Child Thyroid Cancer Rates from Fukushima – Joseph Mangano

- Last year, a report revealed that Fukushima child thyroid cancer rates had skyrocketed – but still, the government of Japan and the nuclear industry refuse to take these statistics seriously.
But in truth – how bad is it? We interviewed a genuine expert to find out.
Joseph Mangano is Executive Director of Radiation and Public Health Project. He is an epidemiologist – one who searches for the cause of disease, identifies people who are at risk, determines how to control or stop the spread, or prevent it from happening again. Joe has over 30 years of experience working with nuclear numbers and comes from a history of teasing out health information from data. We spoke on Friday, February 11, 2022.
LINKS from Interview:
- Chernobyl: Consequences of the Disaster for People and the Environment by Yablakov, Nesterenko, Sherman.
- Excerpt from a book on Jerome Wiesner, JFK science advisor (who, among other things, received a copy of an article on St. Louis baby teeth results on the buildup of Strontium-90 in teeth, and who presented these to JFK). Go to page 58, and you’ll see the JFK quote about radioactive fallout: “You mean it’s in the rain out there?”
- LINK to address by President John F. Kennedy Address to the Nation on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, July 26, 1963
- Transcript of President Kennedy’s speech.
- National Cancer Institute 1999 study on Iodine-131 in bomb test fallout, and the estimated 11,300 to 212,000 thyroid cancers among persons age 0-19 from 1951-1962, from Nevada testing.
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Turkey’s Akkuyu nuclear power plant escaped disaster during last week’s major earthquake, but continuing the project is reckless.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
UK funnels billions into building new “improved” nukes that are unapproved, unbuilt, untested, and untenable, but somehow can’t seem to find the money to take care of storing the radioactive waste they’ve already created.
- Cleaning Up After the Nuclear Accident: The Changing Face of Interim Storage Facilities – links to article with excellent photos that I cannot post here because of copyright.
- The latest edition of Nuke Info Tokyo
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- Karl Grossman interviews Dr. Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility He is an expert on nuclear technology, refutes the claims of the nuclear industry as it pushes purportedly “new and improved” nuclear power plants, so-called “advanced” nuclear power plants, and particularly small modular reactors. He explains that these smaller nuclear power plants are not new and not improved, but were “things that were tried 50 and 60 years ago” and didn’t succeed then. Enviro Close-up