NH #368: FALLOUT: Int’l Nuclear Disasters, Lies & Secrecy with Author Fred Pearce
FALLOUT: Disasters, Lies and the Nuclear Age by Fred Pearce
includes, of course, Chernobyl, pictured here immediately after the disaster began.
This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Fred Pearce is an English journalist based in London. He is a science writer, reporting on the environment, popular science, and development issues from 64 countries over the past 20 years, and specializes in global environmental issues, including water and climate change. His latest book is FALLOUT: Disasters, Lies and the Nuclear Age.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
NO! Put away the cell phone and get back in the car! Selfies in the Fukushima radiation zone are never a good idea!
Photo by U. G. Kaneko. Used with permission.
Action Links:
- SIGN THE PETITION! Gene Stone of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment asking for signatures on a petition to support for Real-Time Radiation Monitoring at San Onofre Nuke Dump
- COMMENT TO THE NRC! David Lochbaum, Director, Nuclear Safety Project, Union of Concerned Scientists, requests comments – open until July 23 – on preventing nuclear plant owners from conducting unreviewed and unapproved fuel experiments on-site at your local neighborhood nuclear reactor. Of course the NRC makes it harder than it should be to comment:
- Go to: www.regulations.gov
- Enter “NRC-2018-0109” in the Search window and CLICK
- Type your comments in the Comment box. Alternatively or additionally, upload a file with comments by clicking on the CHOOSE FILES icon.
- The form asks for your name. You have the option of providing your contact information or not doing so.
- After filling out comments and contact info, click on the CONTINUE icon.
- The next page will tell you that your comment has been submitted and give you a receipt number. You may elect to have the receipt emailed to you.
- More information on this issue, to guide your comments, is available if you CLICK HERE.