NH #600! CELEBRATION! 600th Episode + Libbe HaLevy wins Int’l Nuclear Free Future Award!
CELEBRATION! 600th Episode + Libbe HaLevy wins Int’l Nuclear Free Future Award!

Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy receives Nuclear Free Future Award for Education!
As we celebrate 600 episodes with this week’s retrospective, Libbe HaLevy has been announced as the winner of the 2022 Nuclear Free Future Foundation Award for Education. According to the German newspaper taz, this makes the Nuclear Free Future Award the most important anti-nuclear prize in the world. The following is from their announcement:
- Libbe HaLevy is closing in on her 600th edition of Nuclear Hotseat, the podcast she was inspired to create after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Although cognizant of the nuclear issue years earlier — she was in the Harrisburg area when the Three Mile Island reactor went into partial meltdown — she was compelled to reignite her anti-nuclear passion given what unfolded in Japan and the on-going risk nuclear power continues to pose to us all. The lively weekly podcast features interviews with renowned guests from around the world — and is heard by audiences globally — and remains the only such podcast known to focus exclusively, and in depth, on the perils of nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
We’ll have more on this announcement in the future, after I’ve caught my breath. <g> – Libbe.
This Week’s SPECIAL Feature – A Retrospective on 11-1/2 Years of Nuclear Hotseat:
NOTE: This is not an all-inclusive rundown of episodes, just a saunter through some thoughts and moments that have stuck with me from the first 11-1/2 years of Nuclear Hotseat production. All can be searched under the episode number if you wish to listen to the full report:
- NH #1 – The first conference call that turned into a podcast that turned into… well, all the rest.
- NH #7 – Jon Solomon of Eden Foods on safety precautions for foods imported from Japan in the immediate aftermath of Fukushima and FDA insufficiencies. (Link goes to Episode #174)
- NH #74 – Marius Paul of the Denesuline First Nations people in northern Saskatchewan on his ancestral understanding of “the black stone” – uranium.
- NH #91 – Dr. Helen Caldicott, 2012 Symposium on the Medical and Ecological Impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident.
- NH #483 – Ian Zabarte, Principal Man of the Western Bands of the Shoshone Nation of Indians with “A Message from the Most Bombed Nation on Earth.”
- NH #423 – Church Rock uranium tailings dam break disaster – Terracita Keyanna of the Red Water Pond Road Community. (Strong suggestion to listen to the entire SPECIAL on Church Rock.)
- NH #205 – Sister Megan Rice shortly after her release from two years in prison for participating in a non-violent peace protest of nuclear weapons at the Oak Ridge Y-12 “high security” nuclear facility in Tennessee. Full episode will appear next week as Nuclear Hotseat #601.
- NH #407 – Three Mile Island: My Trip Back. Radiation dispersion after the meltdown with Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, and health impact of radiation exposure with Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear.
- NH #316 – Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons passage – Prof. Heidi Hutner, interviewed from the United Nations less than one hour after the passage of the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons.
- NH #303 – Susi Snyder of Don’t Bank on the Bomb (now with ICAN with an important lesson on how you can take an action, right now, that will remove funding from nuclear weapons producing companies.
NOTE: All episodes listed above are available on this website and can be accessed through the search function.
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter
Nuclear Fusion Delusion.