NH #296: Dr. Caldicott on Fukushima: “Decommission or Cleaning Up? It’s Fantasy!”

This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Dr. Helen Caldicott on why Fukushima will never be able to be cleaned up; the devastating health impacts of radiation; and why the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are a really really bad idea.
- Dr. Caldicott Links:
Numnutz of the Week (for Nuclear Boneheadedness):
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics are numnutz enough by themselves, but to hold events and house athletes in Fukushima Prefecture, less than 13 miles from the reactors?
Libbe HaLevy
This is nuclear hot seat. We’re coming up to the sixth anniversary of the start of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. Dichi three reactors in meltdown jam packed, spent fuel pools filled with radioactive fuel. That’s at risk hundreds of gallons of radioactive water released into the Pacific ocean at every day, since March 11th, 2011. So when you hear Dr. Helen, Caldecot say,
Dr. Helen Caldicott
I think almost certainly that they will never be able to clean it up or decommission it. I mean, because it’s lethal, lethal radiation doses, and that talk about decommissioning and cleaning up in a hundred years, or, you know how much it’s going to cost. I think it’s fantasy.
Libbe HaLevy
That’s when you know you are in the seat, we all share
New clear, hot seat. What are those people thinking? New clear, hot seat. What have those boys been breaking? New clear, hot seat. The is sinking. Our time to act is shrinking, but the activists are licking new hot seat. It’s de
Libbe HaLevy
Welcome to nuclear hot seat. The weekly international news magazine, keeping you up to date on all things nuclear from a different perspective. My name is Libey. I am the producer and host as well as a survivor of the nuclear accident at three mile island from just one mile away. I know what can happen when those nuclear so-called experts get it wrong. This week, we talk with one of the world’s ultimate experts on the impact of nuclear radiation on human health and the survival of planet earth. Dr. Helen called a con we’ll also have a report from nuclear seats, European correspondent, Sean McGee, who goes over those frightening reports of radiation spikes in Europe to figure out how bad it is and what might possibly be causing it. Plus numb nuts of the week for outstanding nuclear bone headedness revisits that evergreen source of numb nutsy, the 2220 Tokyo Olympics plus international news, a bit of attitude and more honest nuclear information than Steve Bannon will allow in the white house.
Libbe HaLevy
All of it coming up in just a few moments today is Tuesday, February 21st, 2017. And here is the week’s news from a different perspective, starting out in Japan this week, where it’s been nearly six years since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began. And now the local government is preparing to slash housing assistance. For those who fled it would require them to choose between returning to places affected by radiation or to bear the financial burden of remaining in their adopted places of refuge at its peak, about 165,000 people we’re made to evacuate from the contaminated areas over 81,000 people are still displaced. However, the number is said to be much larger, including those who voluntarily evacuated from areas, not designated as mandatory evacuation zones, but places they left for fear of high radiation levels in their homes yet on March 31st of this year, when these areas are definitely not decontaminated, if they ever can be the Fukushima local government is preparing to slash unconditional housing assistance for these voluntary evacuees, meaning over 32,000 people are going to, to make a choice to either self support themselves where they landed or return to Fukushima. Evacuee said the government is trying to end the Fukushima issues before the Tokyo Olympics, in order to show the world that Fukushima is under control when it’s not one of the areas impact acted is I village, which will affect 6,000. I TA residents. The area is 75% surrounded by forest Hills and mountains, and they are not and cannot be decontaminated.
Libbe HaLevy
We’ll be talking, talking about the problems in more detail detail. It’s Dr. Interview
Libbe HaLevy
A part-time English teacher at Sai university in Western Japan, harassed and bullied, a student who was from Fukushima prefecture telling the student she had been exposed to radiation and reportedly then turning off the lights in class saying he thought the student would glow in the dark. When the university chose to discipline him two and a half years after the event happened, the teacher explained that he meant it as a joke. And at the time it was typical of the discriminatory harassment that was being thrown at so many young people who were from Fukushima. He’s lost three months of pay and will not get his job back next year two and a half years after this incident. But since the incident, the traumatized student has tended to be absent, could not earn enough credits to pass and requested counseling at the university. I don’t know Japanese law, but I would hope that a lawsuit would follow internal contamination from eating food, which is radioactive is far more dangerous than external radiation, which is why the bragging fact that Fukushima peaches are making inroads into Southeastern Asian markets is not exactly good news for those people who eat the produce.
Libbe HaLevy
Fukushima grabbed the top share of Japanese peach exports to Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, Taiwan on the other hand, makes it illegal for any food from Japan to be imported into their country. And now
Nuclear hot seed nuclear hot seed, no clear hot seed, Nu
Libbe HaLevy
A former’s soccer training facility close to Japan’s crippled Fukushima DII nuclear plant has been used as a staging point for recovery work since the 2011 nuclear disaster began. But that’s about to change as the place is being turned back into a soccer field for children and Olympic class athletes. Jay village was Japan’s first national training center. It opened in 1997 and over the years saw more than a million visitors. The complex was even used to train the national teams of Japan and Argentina national tournament finals used to be held there. And children from all over the country would practice hard because they aspired to play there. But the facility is just 20 kilometers. That’s 12 and a half miles from the Fukushima site. So when the area was evacuated immediately following the 2011 Tokyo electric power company, TECO rented it to set up an operational base to contain the accident.
Libbe HaLevy
Well, I know how well that’s been going. As of the end of 2016, TECO began work to return the facility to its original form, put original form in quotes. Focusing a prefecture has even bigger plans. It wants to build Japan’s first, all weather soccer field at the site. And part of the facility is scheduled to open in the summer of 2018. That’s when the Japanese national team will use the new J village as its training base for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics with the full blessing and support of the Japan football association, claiming that the site can be decontaminated and radiation levels reduced by replacing the soil, no saying where they’re going to put that contaminated soil. The executive vice president of the facility said we can emphasize how safe it is by hosting national teams from Japan or perhaps abroad for training. No, dude, I can’t imagine how shortsighted a country.
Libbe HaLevy
Well, other than Japan, you’ve got a vested interest in this, but any country would be to send their elite athletes to Fukushima in order to train for the Olympics. Anyone who does is just showing how little they understand about radiation contamination and how the seeds of cancer are sewn and why elite athletes at the peak of their strength and youth and ability would wanna risk it all to be in an environment like that. Well, if that’s not Nu nuts, I don’t know what is so TECO Japan football association and all of those of you behind the new J village in Fukushima prefecture, you are this week’s
Nuclear hot seat. None.
Libbe HaLevy
Now here’s the European report with nuclear hot seats, European correspondent, Sean McGee, based in Ireland
Sean McGee
In this week’s European report. I think we’re gonna start with F a chairman. There has basically turned around and said that EDF are really gonna be looking at doing smaller projects as opposed to the large nuclear, coal and gas project. And on Monday the 21st, we saw to sheep, a shares falling from around 250 Y piece to 186 Y piece. By the end of Monday. Now report has been going around about the ID 1 31, which occurred in January. We looked to the EP radiation system. We can see quite easily that there’s been many isolated incidents going on around the actual European union as a whole started in Norway from October and reported officially the early November by the Norwegian radiological protection organization. We can see that Holden nuclear reactor, which is a thorium reactor had damaged fuel rods, and it was releasing ID 1 31 into the atmosphere from the actual damaged fuel rod.
Sean McGee
And they had to shut the down and evacuate. Now they’ve sealed the building up. And as of this report, I have not been able to get any updates on it. They say that the I D 1 31 from that incident is not escaping and that they have the building contained. So this is what we’ve been told. Moving further south into German a few days ago, rather large spike from a German reactor, probably off gassing from repairs or for nuclear fuel rods to be replaced. And that was a very large increase and went to some 30 micro receivers. It lasted about an hour or so traveling further south we’ve come FLA Neville, and I’ve been reporting various releases from that particular nuclear plant in France. And even in Ireland, we saw in cork a peak few days ago that would’ve been the end of last week of 0.2, zero micro receivers per hour, not too large, but certainly you can notice it on the, your debt mapping system.
Sean McGee
And also when I was checking it, this was Sunday morning, the Euro debt radiation mapping was switched off. The reason the Irish switched off the monitor, it was either because of releases from the, the flam Neville nuclear power station, or it may have been because cellar field were doing releases and they were switching off the radiation mapping. So not to pick up the peaks, traveling further south still, and still this month, we can see that there was a switch off in Italy and there was also a switch off in and Portugal with one Portugal monitor, picking up a spike very much like the German spike, you know, fairly high and then getting to the source. I suppose everybody’s waiting to find out where this source is. Is it the Russians? No. Well, actually it seems to be from the Hungary medical radio isotope Institute, which is based in Budapest.
Sean McGee
This reactor was very famously reported to have had a, a big release in 2011 and around September, the releases were hidden by the Hungarian officials. And then obviously the I a E a did as much as it could to not allow us to know where it was coming for from, it was only citizen journalists that actually looking at UEP and tracked the size of the releases all the way back to Hungary. When the I a E a, the international atomic energy agency actually admitted to it. And it’s likely that this is the same case. Again, the I a E a know exactly where this release is coming from. And because it’s the medical reactor, they’re very protected of it because it’s the only one in Europe. And I think they’re covering it up again. That’s my theory. And it does seem to be born out by CRE rad, who did a, another report, which was talking about all the other releases, but did zero in on hunger as well. And thanks to Herve Corto and who basically helped track down the source, but we’re still ongoing investigations. And it’s very difficult to find this out.
Libbe HaLevy
That was nuclear, hot seats, European correspondent, Sean McGee. Thank you, Sean, here in the us, the corpse of the posed nuclear waste depository at YCA mountain in Nevada is being resurrected, or at least that’s what some politicians hope. In 2009, president Barack Obama ordered the nuclear regulatory commission to stop work on the site. In part, because of nearby earthquake falls, the fat that it was being built over in aquifer and on top of porous soil, not a good combination. The site is 140 miles Northwest of Las Vegas, and now nuclear industry insiders are lobbying to revive and complete the site Nevada. And its people have said that they do not want the repository there, but now that Harry Reed is no longer Senator from the state, we’re going to have to watch what happens. An article from 2010 has resurface. It deserves another look, according to Texas state laboratory results and public health scientists, hundreds of water providers around the Gulf coast region are providing their customers with drinking water that contains radioactive contaminants.
Libbe HaLevy
According to Houston based investigative reporter, Mark Green. He discovered that for more than 20 years, the Texas commission on environmental quality underreported, the amount of radiation found in drinking water provided by communities all across Texas. As a result, health risks to people consuming the water had been underestimated in many water systems were active. Contaminants are present. There’s a way to access the statewide database to find out about radiation levels in your water system. And we’ll have a link up on our website, nuclear hot seat.com under this episode, number 2 96, cause you can bet they haven’t fixed it yet. So what’s going on at your neighborhood? Nuclear reactor it’s time for the nuclear hot seat duck and cover report based entirely upon the event reports from the nuclear regulatory commission at the hatch reactor in Georgia, we have a triple play on February 16, there was an unexpected auto start of an emergency diesel generator.
Libbe HaLevy
The next day, February 17, the secondary containment proved inoperable due to the discovery of an 18 inch open pipe penetration in that secondary containment boundary. This constitutes a loss of safety function and on the 19th at hatch, the containment penetration exceeded maximum allowable leakage and represents a degraded principle safety barrier. Shoot it now and put it out of its misery. A two for at lasal in Illinois, the 17th, there was a hot shutdown, automatic reactors SCR slam on the brake shutdown resulting from a feedwater regulating valve failure. Just the day before on the 16th, the secondary containment was inoperable due to an interlock failure. The same thing happened at lasal on January 18th and obviously they have not fixed the problem. Plus two reports at river bend in Louisiana, one at Clinton in Illinois, and one at Browns ferry in Alabama.
Libbe HaLevy
We’ll have this week’s featured interview with Dr. Helen Nikko in just a moment, but first, Hey friends, how about a cup of coffee? Would you buy me a cup of coffee? So we could sit down and have a talk about nuclear issues? That’s terrific. So do you realize for the price of that cup of coffee, you can provide the funds that support nuclear Hotsy in its ever expanding quest for the verifiable truth about all things nuclear that’s right. Just $5 will help support our website, our social media outreach travel expenses to cover events and the purchase of resource materials that we can get on the internet. We do make it easy for you to donate. Just go to the website, nuclear hotseat.com and click on the big red donate button. Then go pour yourself a cup Joe, and listen to the show. You can make this a one time donation or, Hey, let’s have a coffee date every month by making it a recurring donation.
Libbe HaLevy
You can make it more than $5 if you’re so inspired, but I know you work hard for your money. So let’s share this and spread it out as best we can take heart from the fact that whatever you can do to help support the work of nuclear hot seat really does make a difference. And for that, you’ve got my heartfelt thanks now on to Dr. Helen, Caldecot always one of the most informative people to interview. She is the Australian physician who has devoted the last 42 years of her life to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behavior that are necessary to stop environmental destruction. She played a major role in reinvigorating physicians for social responsibility and was nominated for the Nobel peace prize by Dr. Leis Pauling. Dr. Caldecot has been named as one of the most influential women of the 20th century and can certainly be named an inspiration to all of us who are at minimum dubious about nuclear technology and all of its forms.
Libbe HaLevy
If not dead set against it. I spoke with Dr. Caldecot on Sunday, February the 19 20 17, Dr. Helen called a co always a pleasure to have you as a guest on nuclear hot seat. Thank you, Libby recently at Fukushima dichi, there were robot photos taken from inside reactor two, which revealed massive radiation measured at a report hundred 30 seas. Now much of the media has taken this to mean that there’s a new radiation release of Fukushima or that suddenly the situation has gotten much worse there. And the media echo chamber and the online echo chambers have been amplifying this, what is your understanding of what this new reading means and what it signifies?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
All it means is that they at last have been able to get into the reactor near the Mo not at the Moten core, but near it. And the nearer they get the higher and higher and higher will be the radiation readings. This is high one C equals a hundred REMS REM is a measurement of biological damage to the body. The dose of which half a population dies is between two 50 and 500 rims. So it was 530 Seavers, which was 53,000. Is that
Libbe HaLevy
Right? 53,000 rim. Yeah,
Dr. Helen Caldicott
That’s right. Which I mean, if anyone got me that be dead in a few minutes, so the truth is that the deeper they get with their robots towards the bolt co if indeed the robots survive, cause they get fried with the incredibly high radiation doses. So they will measure me higher and higher radiation. So in fact, it hasn’t gone up up. All it means is that they’ve been able to penetrate near the one of the Moten course. That’s all.
Libbe HaLevy
So they haven’t gotten to the equivalent of Cher Noble’s elephants foot yet. They’re just down the way there.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
No, and, and maybe they never will. Number one. And number two, those in high measurements mean, I think almost certainly that they will never be able to clean it up or decommission it. I mean, because it’s lethal, lethal radiation doses and that talk about decommissioning and cleaning up in a hundred years or, you know, however much it’s going to cost. I think it’s fantasy.
Libbe HaLevy
What was also revealed in these new photos is what appears to be a hole in a grate at the bottom of the unit two reactor containment vessel. And it’s variously been described as one meter or two meters in diameter. What does that mean?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
I don’t think that means much to the great per I spoke to a Gerson. Who’s a, who’s a nuclear engineer. And he said that the robot did pick up structural damage to the building of unit two, which means that it makes it unstable. Should there be another earthquake greater than a seven on the Richter scale, which then means that the building could collapse, which then means that it would collapse onto the Moten core. And also with the spent fuel rods, which are incredibly radioactive in the spent fuel pool, they would go down as well. And a huge amount of radiation could be released such that it could be the end of Japan and certainly very much radioactive fallout in the Northern hemisphere, such that I would probably get my family from Boston to come a straight away to Australia. If I could,
Libbe HaLevy
Especially in the early days of the accident much was made by TECO about the removal of damaged fuel rods from the spent fuel pool at unit four, which of course was damaged in the explosion and was at most at risk of being released from a collapse of the building. But as you just mentioned, still fuel rods in the cooling pools of units, one, two, and three, are they still a risk to us?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Of course they are. They’re, they’re very, very radiologically, hot thermally, hot as well. And I think they have to be kept cool continuously as does the core. They’re pouring huge amounts of water every day into units, one to and three to keep the Moten core. Cool. Yeah. So you have a doubling impact, should an earthquake occur in a building flat, you have both spent fuel rods, which couldn’t in fact easily catch fire. There’s a conium cladding would catch fire and release huge amounts of radiation. Plus the Mo poor God knows what would happen. And that, I mean that literally, if there is a God,
Libbe HaLevy
Could there be a re criticality meaning an explosion?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
No, I don’t think so. A thinks that there couldn’t be a re criticality, you know, we don’t know because there’s a lot of plutonium down there and you don’t know how packed it is tightly together, five kilos of plutonium or, or I think, or 10 pounds is critical mass. I really don’t know. I’m not a nuclear engineer. I’m only a doctor, a physician, but I, I suppose there might be a possibility of that. I don’t know.
Libbe HaLevy
Let’s take a look at that cooling water that is spoken about. So often that’s water that is siphoned out of the Pacific ocean that has from the earliest days of the accident been dumped on the reactor is to keep the cause from heating up. And that water is still being poured on the reactors every day. Is that correct? Yes.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Yes. That is correct. And it becomes extremely radioactive. And so then they soften it out of the reactors into huge, huge metal tanks of which there are over a thousand at the location of the reactors and they’re running out of room to put more tanks, even though they kept keep siphoning out 300 or more tons a day of water from the reactors, they say, they’re cleaning up the water. In other words, they say, they’re removing the isotopes like CS 1, 3, 4, 1 3 7, IB 1, 2, 9 90, and probably a hundred more. I don’t believe that. I know that they’ve tried to remove them by they’ve had terrible luck and trouble in doing that. And I don’t believe in most of the tanks that those isotopes have been removed. Number one, number two, they all contain a very large amount of tritium, which is very carcinogenic, H three, three atoms of hydrogen.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
And it bio concentrates in food chain, in the sea and in the food. And, and in us, it’s a soft Bero emitter. And as such all the energy, it emits is absorbed in the surrounding tissues when it’s in the body. So is a potent carcinogen. And they’re saying to the fishermen, look, we wanna empty these tanks. And I suppose they’re lying to was saying that all the waters been cleaned of all the other icees, which I’m sure that’s not true. And trying to convince the fishermen that the Tridium is not a worry. The fishermen are very upset and they’re against it, but what are they going to do? I mean, they’re running out of room to put more tanks number or number two, if there’s an earthquake greater than seven. And these tanks only built to last about five years and they’re fragile, they could break and water would board Pacific anyway. So they’re between rock and hard place. Literally metaphorically.
Libbe HaLevy
There are some other active dangers regarding water app PKU Shima, which has to do with the rain coming down or the ground water coming down off the mountain, explain what the danger is with that.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Okay. So they built these six reactors in front of a mountain range and they also escalated a cliff to build them at sea level. So it would be easier to get water in and out cetera. So water caused from the mountains every day. And a lot of the water actually coming from the mountains is also radioactive because the fallout fell all over the mountains, got concentrated in the leaves of the trees and when the trees lose their leaves, then the radiation gets into the ground water and, and pour down. However, there’s a huge amount of water that, that pause down from the mountains every day beneath the reactors, which was all well and good when the reactors were intact. Now they are not. And now there are three cause of co Moten, cause that probably have buried their way or dug their way into the earth beneath the reactors.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Even if they haven’t, the reactor buildings have been shattered where the cause are. So the water cause in and over the reactor course continuously. And so that water becomes highly radioactive and then it pour into the ocean from beneath reactors. And so every day, three to 400 tons, tons of very radioactive water has pour into the Pacific every day, since the accident on March the 11th, 2011 and continued used to do so and will do. So. I think for the rest of the time, now there is one, well, they, they thought, well I’ll fix it. And so they decided to make an iced wall. In other words, freeze the soil behind the reactors to divert the water sideways from the mountains into the sea. So it does and come in contact with the radio. Cause however, that was a stupid thing to do. First, number one, you’d have to have a continuous supply of electricity.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
And where would that come from? And that adds to global warming and nuclear waste, et cetera. Number two, that would have to last for over a hundred years, continuous supply of electricity, which totally unfeasible number three, didn’t work and the ground melted, et cetera. Now what could happen and what a Gunson has been suggesting for a long time is that they build a substantial wall beneath the ground, going very deep of bricks and water and, and the, and divert the water sideways, strongly rectors into pipes, leading down into the sea. So it doesn’t become contaminated. Now they could do that, but they haven’t done it. Why? I don’t know, maybe they’re saving money. And also because until recently the Japanese they’re very proud and they didn’t turn to the international expertise that exists around the world from nuclear engineers and nuclear physicists. And they’ve been trying to do it themselves. And also they’re, they’re broke. I mean, they’re going bankrupt and the government is propping them up and also are they, the prime is lying about the whole thing. And also they wanna have the Olympics in Tokyo, but not just in Tokyo. They wanna have them in Fuku humor, prefecture, which is very, very contaminated as is Tokyo.
Libbe HaLevy
What I’d like to do now is follow through though on the poor leered Pacific ocean, because there have been reports of ever are increasing numbers of die off events in areas of the Pacific. Everything from starfish dissolving off the California coast to dead Wells washing as shore in Hawaii, in great numbers. To what extent do you think Fukushima has created or contributed to these situations
Dr. Helen Caldicott
When you know, I’m a scientist? So you can’t Conject, you, you have to know to my knowledge, these deadish and whales and whatever. Nobody’s been measuring the radiation in their bodies to see if it’s high or not. I suspect it’s not because the fish being caught off the west coast of north America now, and many of them do contain isotopes from the reactor in low concentrations, but they’re low concentration is not enough to kill a fish, but if a person eats these rates active fish, you only need a single alpha particle from a single atom of a, of plutonium ti, a single regulator gene, and a single cell to give you cancer years later. So whatever radiation is in the fish is dangerous and you can’t taste small or see the radiation when you’re eating in the fish. To my knowledge, unless the radiation in the fish and starfish, et cetera, has damaged the immune mechanism.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
And there are viruses that are attacking these starfish, et cetera, related to radiation. I think that’s unlikely to, so I don’t know why they’re dying off like that, but I can’t, you can’t postulate or conjecture. You have to know, and that data is not being collected to my knowledge. Also, there’s a wonderful evolutionary scientist called Tim muso. Who’s the only person actually collecting data from the exclusion zones around she noble and FIMA looking at birds in particular, but also insects and mammals and plants. And they’re finding that for instance, the barn swallows 40% of the males are sterile. They have smaller the normal brains. They have mutations. So they’ve got crooked wings, abnormal feathers in the like they have cataracts, which humans also get from high radiation levels. They can’t see very well and they have tumors cancers, and they’re finding abnormalities in Beatles and spiders, et cetera, that they’re collecting.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
So the radiation causes congenital abnormalities. And we see, see that in chin noble, where there are literally hundreds of homes, full of grossly deformed children who were radiated inro from a radiation, the mother’s age and their food as the babies were developing in their first trimester. And we’ll be seeing that in, in Fukushima too, for sure, but it’s not being reported. The Japanese government and medical profession in Japan are only looking at thyroid cancers. Now all cancers can be caused by radiation. Every single cancer can be caused by radiation. They’re not looking at leukemia either, and that’s definitely caused by radiation, just thyroid cancer. So they’re, they’ve taken and the children under the age of 18 in the Fuku Shema prefecture and of those children, they’ve found during, under the age of 18 at the time of the accident that 172 of them have developed thorough cancer.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Some with metastases, which is very, very worrying. The normal incidents in that population is one or two per million. And so the incidence of thyroid cancer is very high, which indicates that we will see lots and lots and lots more cancers. The time for thyroid cancer is short two to four to five years for leukemia. It’s five to 10 years for solid cancers. It starts with about 15 years and it goes on 15 to 80 years or 90 years. So the thing is that when the cancer arises, it doesn’t de not its origin. So you have to do epidemiological studies to realize that the incidents in an a radiated population is higher than normal as in Hiroshima. And there are many, many such studies of I radiated populations. So already the incidents of over a million people have died in Europe, Belarus, the Ukraine, and the like as a result of noble and the death rate continues to rise from cancers of every sort and premature aging and diabetes and all sorts of things. And we’ll be seeing that in Fukushima and the incidence of thorough cancer is an indicator that we will be seeing lots and lots more and congen abnormalities in leukemia.
Libbe HaLevy
I live in the Los Angeles area and a doctor friend of mine told me that the talk among his other doctor friends is how cancer rates have in his words been going through the roof. And he knows the work that I do. And if there was any proven linkage between Fukushima’s radiation releases and this rapid increase in cancer rates here in the United States, has there been any attempt that you know of to do an epidemiological study to find a verifiable connection?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Libbe HaLevy
Do you think that’s planned deniable on the part of the nuclear industry or the government or the powers that be?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
I really don’t know, but I do know that the monitors that measure gamma radiation in the air run by the EPA over half of them. I think there are couple of hundred around the country, over half of them don’t work anymore. And I don’t think the government is monitoring the radiation and the water on the west coast. I don’t think there’s an official monitoring and the fish being caught there is in some places I think, but on the whole not, I think that the American government is in hoots with the nuclear industry as is the Japanese government, the Japanese prime minister passed the law recently that any reporter that reports about Fukushima and the truth is what about what’s happening could be jail for 10 years. And the doctors have been told that they are not to tell the patients that their symptoms could be related to radiation, which leads to enormous anxiety amongst parents and patients and that’s that’s obscene.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
And also I’ve heard too from a GSON. And he’s heard that doctors who do tell their patients, their symptom, them as a related to radiation, the payments from the government get cut off to the doctors. And there’s one other thing I do want to bring up, which is relevant every day. They’re injecting huge amounts of nitrogen into reactors, one, two and three, because hydrogen is still being created from the, the radio decor when Theon reacts the Z cutting cutting of the rods, even though it smelled reacts with air and hydrogen, as you know, explodes so that they’re injecting inert nitrogen to dilute the hydrogen. So we don’t have another hydrogen explosion. So everywhere you look, things are grim. And the other thing to say is that they’re running out of human bodies to come in. They need about 46,000 people a day to do all the repairs and fix the pipes and, and do the water and the whole thing. And they’re running out of human bodies because people are getting high doses. Some people are dying, some are getting cancers and leukemia. The you cruiser, which is a Japanese mafia, has always been involved in the new nuclear industry in Japan. And they’re collecting homeless people from the streets of Tokyo and mentally ill people, alcoholics and the like, and bringing them to be laborers on the site. So things are pretty grim and they’re going to have to need, you know, 46,000 people a day for the next hundred years on all,
Libbe HaLevy
We’ve talked in passing about the land contamination from Fukushima and much focus has been put on the ocean because the prevailing winds in Japan blow from to east, and that blew what was perceived to be most of the, or a major portion of the initial radiation out to sea. But what can you tell us about the contamination on land and specifically as relates to Tokyo?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Yes, army Gerson and his co collected dirt from the footpaths in you call it sidewalks in Tokyo and from vacuum cleaner dust and from Moss on the roof of apartments. And some of the measurements are so high that this material would need to be buried by law in a red active waste site in America, that’s Tokyo and 30 million people live in Tokyo or more. So this is really serious. And doctors are seeing well, they saw initially symptoms of acute radiation amongst the children and the adults. And they’re seeing other symptoms and signs related to radiation in Tokyo. Now in fooding and prefecture, of course, it’s a lovely area and a very big food growing area, beautiful peaches and rice, and all sorts of lovely, lovely vegetables and fruits. It’s really quite radioactive. And particularly the rivers because the water washes down from the mountains, carrying radiation with it, into the rivers, but the soil itself is radioactive.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
And these radioactive developments concentrate in the algae and then in the soil and then in the water and in the plants, the rice is relatively radioactive and mixing it with non radioactive rice and selling it on the open market. They are starting to sell peaches, grown Fukushima abroad. Taiwan has refused to sell food from Fukushima cars in watered into Russia and, and other places secondhand Japanese cars are found to be so radioactive. They’re being sent back to Japan, do not buy secondhand Japanese car, do not ever buy any Japanese food. Again, meso seaweed, fish, rice, you name it because you don’t don’t know where it’s being sourced. And there’s a big push to sell Fukushima food in the London markets and in Tokyo and stupid politicians like prime minister, are they and others go and eat this Fukushima food to demonstrate that it’s okay, not knowing that, you know, could give them cancer five or 10 years later, they don’t understand radiation biology.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
So it’s a very big problem. And of course the Olympics will be a big problem and nobody should go to Japan and ski because you don’t know where the food is coming from and may well be coming from radioactive areas and you can’t taste, smell, or sea the radiation in the food. I know there’s a very big push by Japanese companies to encourage people to holiday in Japan. Don’t do it particularly don’t take children because they’re 10 to 20 times more radio sensitive than adults. Little girls are twice as sensitive as little boys and feet are thousands of times more sensitive, more prone to get cancer. Women are twice as sensitive as men.
Libbe HaLevy
Do you know of any movement for awareness or to get to the athletes in various countries regarding the 2020 Olympics and perhaps Institute a, a boycot or at least a consciousness raising about what they will be facing there?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Well, I’ve written to the head of the Olympic committee coats several times outlining the medical problems associated with having Olympics in Japan. I think I gotta apply, but if they’re going ahead anyway, there’s money involved. You see a huge amount of money. There are several ambassadors, a Kio, Matt Sama, and another ambassador, Japanese who are pressuring the Olympic committee. But to know, are they, I don’t think they’re listening. I don’t think they really understand what the problems will be for the Olympians who are that peak of their powers. And they’re young, and they’re so vulnerable to, to get cancel later for eating radioactive food and inhaling radioactive elements too. So it’s a very big problem. And I don’t know of any international movement to prevent the Olympics taking place in Japan and a, they got the contract by lying and saying, there are no more problems now related to for it’s all been fixed up. I mean, a blatant lie.
Libbe HaLevy
And that was several years ago and we’ve seen nothing but problems from the site ever since. Is there any way to mitigate the danger either by putting in place a SAR like Chi Nobles or dumping a whole bunch of zeal light on the site? Is there anything that might still be done?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
No, I don’t think so because of the water coming down from the mountains because of the inability to locate where the Moten cores are because of the continuous production of hydrogen, which could explode because of the continuous risk of earth earthquakes are built in a very on the ring of fire around the Pacific, you know, the, the earthquake zones, a Sarus wouldn’t fix it, wouldn’t fix the structural problems that I described and buildings collapsing onto the Moten cause and removing the Moten cause no, I, I don’t think there is a solution there’d being, putting the sea lighting will do nothing people to buy my book crisis without in, by health symposium about Fukushima, about three years ago at the New York academy of medicine and got the best specialists from all over the world in science and physics and nuclear engineering and radiation biology, your new name, the cancer induction and the like, and that book crisis without end is a compilation of the proceedings from that symposium, which is really quite profound. And would’ve outlined most of the problems that you are alluding to Libby. You can get it from Amazon and you can go to my webpage, hello, cold deco.com and get it there. We can read more about the [email protected], which is my foundation, which has a lot of information about Fukushima. There.
Libbe HaLevy
We will, of course have links to all of these up on the website, nuclear hot seat.com under this episode regarding health. Do you eat Pacific seafood or fish anymore?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Well, it’s a good question. Cause I live right on the Pacific ocean and fish when thousands of miles, I mean, they definitely going across with the prevailing current from east to west, from Japan to the west coast of America. But you know, the truth is, I don’t know. And, and also we imported fish here. So I don’t know if the fish, I don’t eat a lot of fish, but I don’t know if the fish ages radioactive or not, but daughter’s a doctor. And she says, oh mom, you’re too old to get cancer. Anyway, I’m nearly 80. So that’s a typical daughter. So I don’t worry about that per se for myself. But I do warn other people about it who knows. And our government is specifically not testing fish. Of course,
Libbe HaLevy
You’re talking about the Australia.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
I am
Libbe HaLevy
Same here in the United States. It’s like,
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Well also when the accident happened, Hillary Clinton in her wisdom and I’m being sarcastic, signed an agreement with Japan, that America would still keep import food into America. And the levels that you are allowed in your food, the radioactive levels are much in Japan. The Japanese are allowed a hundred big girls for kilo. I think that’s it
Libbe HaLevy
In Britain and EU it’s 1000 in the United States. It’s 1200. So food that is 12 times two radioactive to be legally sold in Japan is perfectly all right to bring to the United States. And now we don’t even have to label it for country of war origin.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Well, I went fairly recently to a very posh Japanese restaurant in New York and sushi bar. And cetera, I said, where is the fish from, where do you get the fish? And they said, oh, Japan. And the people are drinking as sakes. And they’re very sophisticated. And I thought, my God, they don’t know.
Libbe HaLevy
Is there anything else that you would like to share about Fukushima at this time?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
I would say that it’s imperative that every person in America becomes well informed about this subject and learns about radiation per se. I suggest that you’ll read my book, nuclear paras, not the answer, which goes through all the sort of cancers you can get. And so of radiation that’s made and you nuclear reactors, and then you rang mining the whole thing and become well informed and, and closed down all your reactors.
Libbe HaLevy
We’ve got 99 left that are still online.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Yeah. Well you need to close them all down. Pronto. Somehow you’ve gotta get that president of yours on the right track. I don’t know if he’s said to that’s the problem, but you’ve got big problems there and you could have a melt done just as easily at one of your reactors in America, children living within 50 miles of three reactors have a higher normal incidence of leukemia and solid cancers. These studies were done in Germany and France and England. So it’s well documented that children living near reactors have high incidents of malignancy higher than normal.
Libbe HaLevy
What is your next book? And when is it coming out?
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Yes. I held a symposium two years ago, again at the New York academy of medicine called the I penning threat of nuclear war. I think that was the title. So we, a book is coming out called sleep, walking to Armageddon with those proceedings. And it’s going to be published in July by the new press, sleep, walking to Armageddon, which becomes more relevant and more topical by as Donald Trump reveals his inadequacy, shall I say, and possible mental illness. He is the only one in America who has the authority to press the button. The only person is the president and he has a three minute decision time, whether or not to blow up the world three minute, he’s impulsive. He’s got a thin skin weed. I mean, we’ll be lucky to survive this with you. We’ll be lucky to survive this. And there’s another book I’m working on, but I haven’t got very far cause I’m really perplexed about how to write about it. Now it’s called why men kill and why women let them.
Libbe HaLevy
And of course, we back with you when your next book is published to concentrate some attention on what you have written there. Thank you for again, being my guest and sharing the breadth and depth and wealth of your wisdom with the listeners of nuclear hot seat.
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Libbe HaLevy
Dr. Call the Cod. We will have links up to her websites, her books and videos of her two symposia on our website, nuclear hot seat.com. Under this episode, number 2 96, we will also have links to the two nuclear hot seat episodes where I attended and reported from those symposia 20 thirteens the medical and ecological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident and 20 fifteens, the dynamics of possible nuclear extinction. If you want to know the truth about what nuclear has done to our planet, our DNA and our law life expectancy, there is no better expert than Dr. Cal decon and the experts she has gathered around her.
Libbe HaLevy
Here’s today’s final thought. I was a guest on coast to coast am with George nap on Sunday, February 19 as a result, I know that there are all lot of new listeners for this week’s show. And if you are one of them welcome aboard. And thank you for most of the show. We focused on Fukushima as is logical when we’re coming up for the anniversary. But I wanted you to understand that you don’t have to be living in Japan or the west coast of the us to be impacted by nuclear radiation, no matter what state in the United States, you live in, you have nuclear issues and it’s the same thing around the world. You don’t have to have weapons or reactors. There’s radioactive debris from uranium exploration and leftover tailings from mining down window issues, including dust from atmospheric bond tests and uranium mining. Rainouts from the jets stream where radioactive articles suspended up there in the upper atmosphere coming from as far back as the Trinity blast.
Libbe HaLevy
Hi, Shima, Nagasaki, every atmospheric bomb blast and the explosions from Cher, noble and Fukushima blew radioactive dust into the upper atmosphere where it become the nucleus for droplets of rain that then fall to earth and create rain outs. So they can deposit radio activity anywhere. Then there’s contact with the untested, but undoubtedly ever more radioactive ocean. And as an oceanographer, once pointed out to me, there are not seven oceans. There are is one ocean with seven basins. So it happens to one eventually happens to all, and that means it doesn’t have to be the Pacific that you’re near. It can be any ocean. And then of course, there’s nuclear waste, eternal infernal nuclear waste radioactive for literally hundreds of thousands to millions of years, inappropriately dumped all the way back in the 1940s through the cold war to now, when the us is choosing the cheapest thinnest of canisters to store radioactive reactor waste and the nuclear industry lobbies to be able to dump what they don’t want.
Libbe HaLevy
Native American reservations in poor communities and anywhere they feel they can get away with it, nuclear is hardly clean or green or sustainable as the pronuclear forces and their legions of PR hacks have propag so much of the world into believing. So yes, every week, every week nuclear hot seat does what it can to present verifiable, non hysterical. Even if it is really upsetting news about nuclear, we source from publications, research papers, activist reports, the world’s newspapers email lists from both pro and anti-nuclear groups alike just to find out what’s being said, and who’s saying it, and when there’s an action to take, we let you know that as well, because when it comes to anti-nuclear activism, the more the merrier we need all your help. So for the veteran activists out there and the newbies alike, it’s great having you here now, let’s get busy.
Libbe HaLevy
This has been nuclear hot seat for Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 material for this week’s program has been researched and compiled from green peace, Japan, america.cgtn.com. Fuku leaks.org and simply info.org N hk.or.jp Japan times.co.jp CTV news.ca web.archive.org RTO, insider.com star-telegram.com. Thanks to our Intrepid European reporter, Sean McGee, who researched and, and sourced from CRE rod.org, your D N RPA in Norway, nuclear news.net. The guardian.com the building.co.uk. Safecast bologna NEK the us nine dot campaign and Harve OI. Then there are the event reports from the us nuclear regulatory commission, thanks to the work of Erica gray and a shout out to the big hearted planet protectors and peaceful warriors who gather at the nuclear hot seat blog site on Facebook, which you are invited to join like, and with your loved ones. And with those people who love nukes, but just might be willing to learn or not. You can do it to just gripe ’em off theme music written by me, sung by Merri Weber, accompaniment by John Barnard and recorded at Winslow court studio in Hollywood.
Libbe HaLevy
One way that you could contribute to the show is if you have a story lead, a hot tip or a suggestion of someone to interview, send an email to [email protected]. We are copyright 2017. Libi Hal and harvestry communications, all rights reserved, but their use allowed as long as proper a is provided. And a reminder that the show does rely on your contributions to keep going. So if y’all wanna buy nuclear, hotseat a cup of coffee, please feel free to do so. This is libi Hal Avia of heart history, communications, the heart of the art of communicating, reminding you that a, the last thing, any anti-nuclear activist want to be able to say is I told you so, so consider that your nuclear wake
Libbe HaLevy
Up call, go back to sleep. Cause, cause truly we are we’re all in a nuclear clear, hot, hot seat,
Nuclear hot seat. What are those people thinking? Nuclear hot seat. What have those boys been drinking? Nuclear hots. See the is sinking. Our time to act is shrinking, but the activists are licking new hot seat. It’s.