NH #490: Children of Atomic Veterans Carry Heavy Genetic Burden: Victoria Moore
Children of Atomic Veterans – DNA damage, penile cancer,
and the message: Don’t have kids!
The American devastation of military personnel from the atomic bomb test radiation
that devastated the Marshall Islands and its people.
This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Children of Atomic Veterans focuses on medical and genetic issues in those whose parents – primarily fathers – were exposed to nuclear radiation during the atomic bomb tests in the south Pacific 1946-1962. Victoria Moore is one such child. Her father was head of communications for the tests and was aboard ship, in proximity, for anywhere from 20-40 nuclear explosions. She tells the story of his penile cancer and the veil of secrecy that hid his many illnesses, as well as their cause. Then she explains how her father’s radiation exposure changed what should have been the trajectory of her own life. Gripping information, along with how to contact the group and register for its upcoming initiatives.Contacts:
Website: Childrenofatomicveterans.org
EMAIL: [email protected]
TWITTER: @children_of_atomic_veterans
Children of Atomic Veterans co-founder Victoria Moore (l)
interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
When are the facts of radiation protection not of interest to an international group that claims to have as its focus and purpose radiation protection? Well, you’d have to ask the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), which doesn’t see a connection between radiation impact as measured on adult men and radiation impact as measured on little girls – our genetic future.