NH #409: Chernobyl Radiation Cover-Ups & Deadly Truth: Kate Brown, author, Manual for Survival
Chernobyl radiation impact on a father and son
This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Chernobyl Radiation’s true health impact revealed: A very special interview with Kate Brown, author of Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future. She is an historian of environmental and nuclear history at MIT and the author of the Plutopia, which won seven awards. She did research on the ground in eastern Europe, through 27 medical archives, to piece together the story of how Chernobyl’s radiation impacted and continues to harm the health of people and the environment in Eastern Europe and far beyond. Breathtaking in her clarity, precision… and the info. Not to be missed!
Kate Brown’s book is available at most bookstores.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
In a so-called “limited” nuclear war, “only” 1% of the world’s population would be killed – a mere 76 MILLION PEOPLE — so of course, in the face of such horror and devastation, it’s only natural that people would think immediately of protecting… their investment portfolios! Here’s the LINK to the article. (Shocking to think this came from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. You’d think they would be able to focus on the science, the health devastation, the destructio of climate, crops, the crumbling of society – do they actually think they’ll be able to keep “civilization” together after a nuclear war, even a so-called “limited” one? “Numnutz” is too weak a term to cover that eventuality.)
Action Links:
- Kate Brown‘s article, Chernobyl’s disastrous cover-up is a warning for the next nuclear age
- Why the financial community should work to prevent the market and economic shocks of a nuclear incident
- Harvey Wasserman’s “America’s “Hole-in-the-Head” Nuke Suicide Pact Gets Court Approval“
- Excellent article: “How nuclear plants are gaming climate-change rules“
- Beyond Nuclear International’s “Chernobyl Children in a Havana Hospital” – film
- Nuclear power is not a viable solution for Green New Deal