NH #661: Dr. Gordon Edwards – Proposed Canadian Radioactive Nuclear Waste Dump Threatens Water for First Nations, Ottawa, Montreal
This Week’s Featured Interview:

Dr. Gordon Edwards, addressing the United Nations
- Dr. Gordon Edwards is a mathematician, physicist, nuclear consultant, as well as president and co-founder of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, a not-for-profit corporation established in 1975. He has served as a consultant on nuclear issues for governmental and non-governmental bodies for over 45 years, and been accepted as an expert witness by US and Canadian courts and tribunals. He is frequently invited to testify before provincial and federal bodies, and to give major addresses in various countries. He also explains complex nuclear matters in a way that is easy to understand, for which I am deeply grateful.
Here, he explains the proposed Chalk River nuclear waste dump in Ontario, adjacent to the Ottawa River and upstream of Ottawa, Montreal, and the St. Lawrence River, to be built on First Nations lands.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
GREENWASHING ALERT: Boeing is aiming at school kids with their 12-week naturalist training at the Santa Susana Field Lab in Simi Valley – one of California’s most toxic sites that’s never been cleaned up. Of course, not one word about the radiological and other toxic contamination of the site. And they charge for it!
To learn more about Boeing’s greenwashing of the SSFL site CLICK HERE.

Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab Nuclear Disaster demo that shut down a planned greenwashing Earth Day hike through the toxic, radiologically contaminated site. Well done!
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter:
More shoes are dropping — or should that be ankle bracelets? — as further indictments are handed down in the Ohio nuclear power scandal.