NH #700! – 700th Episode! Outrageous Cancer Rates in Radioactive Piketon, OH – Joe Mangano + Intro to #Nuclear80

The 2025 Campaign to Reclaim the Nuclear Narrative
2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the start of the Atomic Age and all the ensuing nuclear madness covered by the show every week. We already know that the media is going to make a “thing” out of this, because it’s an anniversary that ends in a “0.” That’s why we need to be pro-active and take control of the nuclear narrative for 2025, starting now.
#Nuclear80 is a campaign focused on commemorating the start of all this nuclear madness: the first atomic bomb test at the Trinity site in New Mexico on July 16, 1945. It is the moment the world changed forever, and can be the pivotal piece in . it is a platform for international participation from local issues that will speak to our shared and varied nuclear experiences. More is explained on the show under Activist Shout-Out, and more will be revealed as the platform grows. What I envision is a day, perhaps spread to a week, where communities hold events on their local nuclear issues in alignment with their own culture, language, and traditions. Mourning, Activism, Protests, Music, Art, Theatre, or whatever is appropriate – you decide.
Just make certain all your posts, social media sites and articles contain the hashtag: #Nuclear80.
More Information will be provided on a weekly basis on Nuclear Hotseat. And if you’d like to get our email with updates, make certain you sign up for our email list.

Gen. Leslie Groves (r), J. Robert Oppenheimer (center) and reporters examine the first Ground Zero – the remains of the tower that held the bomb at the Trinity Site in New Mexico. Picture taken two months after the detonation, September 7. 1945..
This Week’s Featured Story:
- The country is gearing up to turn Pike County, Ohio, into what they’re calling a “nuclear hub,” starting with the first launch of a uranium enrichment plant in the United States in almost 70 years. The last one was the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, on the same site in Piketon. It’s being demolished, but is still a radioactive mess, part of a multi-decade clean-up (which will never be completed). Meanwhile, a new facility has been built there and just launched to make HALEU – High Assay Low Enriched Uranium, the fuel necessary for will be able to fuel the not-yet-existing Small Modular Nuclear Reactors and contaminate even more of the land.
To find out how bad it is, I spoke with Joe Mangano. He is a health researcher who has served Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP, Radiation.org) since 1989. Mangano managed the study of Strontium-90 in baby teeth ,and is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health. Author of the books Low Level Radiation and Immune System Damage: An Atomic Era Legacy (1998) and Radioactive Baby Teeth: The Cancer Link (2008). He is featured in the documentary: “Silent Fallout: Baby Teeth Speak,” which covers the Cold War era study of atomic bomb radiation in 320,000 baby teeth by St. Louis scientists.
As you will hear, Joe has been crunching the health statistics on cancer in Pike and surrounding counties since 2021, and has now published his third report on cancer rates in the areas adjacent to the defunct-but-being-resurrected Portsmouth gaseous Diffusion Plant. I spoke with Joe Mangano on November 15, 2024
Links from Featured Story:
- RPHP Reports Finds Soaring Death Rate Near Ohio Uranium Plant – Piketon/Portsmouth Diffusion Plant reports by RPHP on cancer and other illnesses for 2021, 2022, 2023
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter:
New moves attempt to further gut NRC safety oversight.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
(NOTE that Numnutz was recorded but I ran out of time on the show! Next week…? Meanwhile, here’s something numnutz enough: the stained glass window at the Strategic Air Command Memorial Chapel at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, home to the United States Strategic Command. Instead of saints or miracles, they feature bombers, a red telephone, and a mushroom cloud. Good to know what our military strategic command is praying to and for!

One panel of the stained glass windows at the Strategic Air Command Memorial Chapel
(U. S. Air Force photo)
- Nuclear Propaganda Exposed: The Dirty Truth Behind Government and Industry Claims by Linda Williams. Clear, concise, brilliantly well done.
- Film – Britain’s Nuclear Bomb Scandal: Our Story – New BBC documentary
- Dispatch from a nuclear petting zoo
- RPHP Reports Finds Soaring Death Rate Near Ohio Uranium Plant – Piketon/Portsmouth Diffusion Plant reports for 2021, 2022, 2023