NH #317: Canada’s Nuclear Waste Nightmare Threatens Great Lakes, Savannah River Site – Dr. Gordon Edwards, Part 2

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This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • Dr. Gordon Edwards  of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility continues his interview with Libbe HaLevy, covering the transport of highly radioactive liquid nuclear waste from Chalk River in Canada to the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. Then we shift to the ongoing push by Bruce Power and the Canadian nuclear industry to build a deep geologic waste repository for low and intermediate level nuclear waste less than one mile from the shores of Lake Huron.

LINKS from Dr. Gordon Edwards: 

  • Slide show aimed at first responders, medical professionals and elected officials on highly radioactive liquid waste transport from Chalk River, Ontario, to the Savannah River Site in South Carolina:  http://ccnr.org/TRM_Transport_Niagara.pdf
  • YouTube video of his on-line webinar on the Chalk River liquid from February 2017:

Numnutz of the Week:

Talk about falling upwards!  Only the nuclear industry seems able to make a $1 billion profit off two half-built reactors that are $3 billion over-budget and three years over-schedule.  Numnutz fer shure… at least as far as Georgia ratepayers are concerned!