NH #691: Arctic Ice Melt & Nuclear Radiation Dangers: UK Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones

This Week’s Featured Interview:
The next United Nations Climate Change conference, COP 29, is scheduled to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11 to 22 November, 2024 – an annual bone tossed to those who are striving to reverse the climate catastrophe despite not having any power to do so. Incessant pro-nuclear doubletalk has infested what is supposed to be a rallying event for genuine renewables and conservation, drowning out the voices of informed activists.
To prepare our minds for what’s coming in November (besides that other thing in the U.S. on November 5), we’re revisiting an interview from 2022, after COP 27, on the consequences of nuclear radiation on the Arctic ice. Our interviewee is a regular resource for Nuclear Hotseat who always comes up with clear explanations of complex issues.
- Tim Deere-Jones is a marine biologist – a radiation researcher and consultant – who specializes in analysis of the radiation threats to our planet’s waters from a wide range of nuclear sources. Here he provides a SPECIAL report produced exclusively for Nuclear Hotseat on the Nuclear Arctic radiation dangers.
We spoke on Monday, January 24, 2022. - PDF DOWNLOAD of the text of this presentation – CLICK HERE
- CONTACT for Tim Deere-Jones: [email protected]
Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter
Starving kids is fine as long as we keep overfeeding the nuclear hogs.
Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Reactor Cooling Tower Fire

Ukranian president Vladomir Zelinsky posted this photo of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear facility’s cooling tower fire. The resulting damage is so bad, the tower will need to be torn down.
- file:///Users/libbehalevy/Downloads/978-3-031-59595-0.pdf Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change by Doug Brugge • Aaron Datesman