NH #709: Anti-Nuke Veteran Harvey Wasserman Spearheads Exciting New Eco Broadcast Network

Anti-nuke icon Harvey Wasserman is a veteran of five decades of activism against nuclear reactors. He has authored books, organized demonstrations that deeply impacted the movement, helped successive generations of activists to learn the issues, the talking points, and the actions they can take. In recent years, he has included a major outreach on alternative energy issues, especially solar, in the battle to eliminate nukes and reverse climate change.
Now, he has a new project – to create our own coordinated media platform – the Eco Broadcast Network, or EBN – an ingathering of existing nuclear and eco-podcasts, youtube channels, substacks, and the like – to make this information available to the public. so they can learn the truths we know to contradict the enormously subsidized nuclear industry media propaganda platform.
This network began organizing on January 27, 2025, and I spoke with Harvey Wasserman the next day, January 28, 2025.
NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
A right-wing “think tank” associate of Trump proposing open air nuclear bomb testing over Nevada, the Pacific, or (choking on this one!) “uninhabited atoll“?!?!??? WTF?!?!???
THE NUCLEAR RESISTER with Jack Cohen-Joppa
In a legendary anti-nuclear victory, British women came together at the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, and succeeded in kicking U.S. nuclear missiles out of England. Links: https://lakenheathallianceforpeace.org.uk/