NH #679: Early Xmas for Nukesters – Dangerous ADVANCE Act Guts US Nuclear Oversight, Protections – Diane D’Arrigo

Diane D’Arrigo, Radioactive Waste Project Director for Nuclear Information Resource SErvice (NIRS.org)

This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • Diane D’Arrigo is Radioactive Waste Project Director for Nuclear Energy Information Resource Service, or NIRS, where she has worked since 1986. Her main area of expertise is radioactive waste and radiation issues. She has closely followed so-called “low-level” nuclear waste issues for decades, the national and international moves to deregulate nuclear waste that would allow it to be made into everyday household items and be dumped as regular trash. Diane has been deeply involved with tracking and fighting the backwards ADVANCE Act, and was eager to share her insights with the Nuclear Hotseat audience.

    I spoke with. Diane D’Arrigo on Monday, June 24, 2024.

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

Fukushima saki? That’s right – get drunk to ignore the radionuclides that might be in your alcohol!

Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter:

The ADVANCE Act will gut nuclear safety and keep the Nuclear Navy happy. Hardly anyone on Capitol Hill opposed it.

Activist Shoutout:

Thomas the Stank Engine illustrates the dangers of nuclear waste hauling in the UK and is the cartoon creation of Cumbrian campaigner Marianne Birkby of Radiation Free Lakeland. Thomas got his name because he hauls train wagons which contain very stinky, very dirty, and very nasty nukiller waste (unshielded nuclear waste can kill a human in a minute). This deadly stuff is traipsed around the country to Sellafield.” Perhaps an image for Haul No?

Veterans for Peace Webinar:

Veterans For Peace No Nukes webinar on Nuclear Power and Weapons in a Time of Rising Tensions
with presenters William Hartung, Linda Pentz Gunter and Greg Mello.


  • William Hartung, Quincy Institute https://quincyinst.org/author/william…
  • Linda Pentz Gunter, Beyond Nuclear email: [email protected] https://beyondnuclear.org/ https://beyondnuclearinternational.org/
  • Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group email: [email protected] https://lasg.org/
