NH #478: San Onofre Beachfront Nuke Waste Dump: Edison Sneaks Deadly Rule Change thru Coastal Commission – Public Watchdogs’ Charles Langley & Nina Babiarz

San Onofre Beachfront Nuclear Waste Dump – and owner Southern California Edison’s manipulations to abandon the Holtec thin-walled “tin can” canisters
to High Tide on the beach.  Can you spot the problems?  HINT:  There are even more! 

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This Week’s Featured Interview:

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe cares so little about nuclear bomb survivors – hibakusha – that he cribs from his Hiroshima speech to say virtually the exact same words to the people at Nagasaki.  Whatta guy! 

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