NH #137: Sierra Club’s Nuke Nuker Susan Corbett vs. South Carolina!

NOTE:  From now on, Nuclear Hotseat will be posted to YouTube as the one place you’ll be able to get the programs.  No elaborate visuals yet; exploring ways to do that…



INTERVIEW:  Susan Corbett is Chair of the National Sierra Club Nuclear Issues Activist Team and Chair of the South Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club.  She shares how South Carolina is the most nuclear-industry-intensive state in our country, Hanford-like leaks from the Barnwell Nuclear site, and the ongoing battle to prevent South Carolina from becoming “the nuclear waste “paid toilet of the south.”

NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK:  The Kids Cancer Seminar in Fukushima – just the thing for 5th and 6th graders!  According to the poster,”Especially because this is Fukushima, we need the best cancer education in Japan!”  Oy!

Poster for Kids Cancer Seminar in Fukushima.  Subtitle reads, "Especially because this is Fukushima, we need the best cancer education in Japan." (Translation by Beverly Findlay-Kaneko)
Poster for s. Subtitle reads, “Especially because this is Fukushima, we need the best cancer education in Japan.” (Translation by Beverly Findlay-Kaneko)


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  • Sen. Boxer KO’s NRC over missing San Onofre documents;
  • Congress calls for investigation into radiation contamination of sailors after Fukushima on USS Reagan;
  • Sen. Sanders tries for repeal of Price-Anderson;
  • NHK forbids its broadcasters from mentioning nuclear issues pre-Tokyo mayoral election;
  • Ukraine on the verge of civil war as protestors threaten nuclear reactors;
  • and Hollywood weighs in on nuclear – the new “Judy Blue Eyes”?