NH #130: Friends of the Earth’s Australian Nuke Campaigner Dr. Jim Green

Japanese National Cancer Institute comic book telling kids that half of them will get cancer - and they need to practice "prevention."

Japanese National Cancer Institute
comic book telling kids that
half of them will get cancer…
and they need to practice “prevention.”  Like what?  Smiling?

This Week’s Featured Interview:

Dr. Jim Green is Nuclear Campaigner for Friends of the Earth in Australia.  What’s that country’s culpability for Fukushima?  How does the country function as a “nuclear umbrella” for the US?  How racist are Australia’s nuclear mining policies?  And was “On the Beach” right, is it really safer from radiation Down Under than in the Northern Hemisphere?  All that and more…

Numnutzes of the Week:

  • Scientists propose getting rid of nuclear waste by injecting it into fracking boreholes – two bad energy policies in one!
  • TEPCO loses the plant schematics for Fukushima after 3/11/11 — and no one has a duplicate copy!
  • EVIL NUMNUTZ:  Japan’s National Cancer Institute releases a comic book that tells children that half of them will get cancer but they need to practice “prevention.”  Blame the victim much?


  • 83-year-old Sister Megan Rice continues her anti-nuclear activism in jail while facing a possible 30-year prison sentence for last year’s civil disobedience against the Oak Ridge Y12 National Security Complex.  There’s a call for Pope Francis to acknowledge and champion her.
Sister Megan Rice, flanked by peaceful protesters Michael Walli and Gregory Boertje-Obed
Sister Megan Rice, flanked by peaceful protesters Michael Walli and Gregory Boertje-Obed
  • US Energy Department gives CA company $226 million to build “tiny” nuclear reactors – but how small are they?
  • Indian anti-nuclear protesters complete 365 day relay hunger strike against proposed new reactor in Kovvada.
Indian anti-nuclear protesters in 365-day rotating hunger strike at Kovvada
Indian anti-nuclear protesters at Kovvada
  • Fukushima refugee Miki testifies about people dying from radiation in Japan: