NH #116: Japan at Fukushima + 29 Months – On-the-Ground Report w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

Fukushima harbor:  Boiling water, steam, fog, morning marine layer or swamp gas?
The Mystery of Fukushima Harbor: Boiling water, steam, fog, mist, morning marine layer… or swamp gas?

INTERVIEW:  Beverly Findlay-Kaneko is a former resident of Japan who spent over 20 years in that country.  On March 16, 2011, a family emergency brought her and her son Ryan back to Southern California only five days after the earthquake and tsunami on March 11.  They remained here while her husband remains in Yokohama and commutes to the U.S. every few months to be with the family.  Beverly returned to Japan this past August.  While there she attended anti-nuclear events, talked with activists and got a feel for what the nuclear issues look like on-the-ground in Japan as we approach the 2-1/2 year mark since Fukushima. 

Beverly Findlay-Kaneko (L) at August demonstration in Japan.
Beverly Findlay-Kaneko (left) at August demonstration in Japan.

NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.  He’s promising a “prompt” solution to the problems at Fukushima.  Aren’t you about 29 months too late, Abe Baby?  No, wait — you’re just trying to woo the International Olympic Committee as it’s making the final decision on where to hold the 2020 Summer Games.  (Anyone bother to ask elite athletes how they’d feel about competing in a radioactive mine field?) 


  • More leaks, higher radiation found on-site at Fukushima Daiichi;
  • Salt water corroding containment tanks, endangering removal of Fukushima Unit 4 fuel rods;
  • TEPCO finally being acknowledged as incompetent!  (Duh!)
Cape Cod Downwinders use Labor Day traffic to make the point thatno evacuation is possible if Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant pulls a Fukushima.
Cape Cod Downwinders use Labor Day traffic to make the point that no evacuation is possible if Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant pulls a Fukushima.
  • Radioactive seawater plume predicted to hit US west coast in 20 years… or four years… or one… but it’s coming.
  • Three Mile Island decommissioning cost set at $918 million but will undoubtedly cost much more by the time it’s scheduled to begin – in 2034!
  • Libbe HaLevy at the still-leaking-radiation nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island, April 10, 1979.

    Libbe HaLevy at a still-leaking Three Mile Island.  Portrait of the artist as a young and stupid woman.

    • And much, much more!