NH #115: VERMONT YANKEE SHUTDOWN SPECIAL w/Gundersen, Hattie Nestle
- Former nuclear insider Arnie Gundersen, head of Fairewinds.com, explains how and why Vermont Yankee was shut down. Audio courtesy Fairewinds.com from their podcast series.
- Hattie Nestle, a member of the Vermont Yankee Women’s Affinity Group, on why she’s not ecstatic over Entergy announcement re: Vermont Yankee.

NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) declares global progress on nuclear safety! (Of course, they have to say that; it’s in their mission statement to promote nuclear at all times, under any cirucumstances). They neglect to mention spiking radiation levels in water pouring from the wreck of Fukushima Daiichi, what’s that’s been doing to the Pacific Ocean and seafood – nah, none of them olde mistakes are worth noting; let’s just focus on building the market for new nukes!
- Japan finally asks for international help w/Fukushima as highly radioactive water continues to flow into harbor; Russia responds.
- 6 more thyroid cancer cases diagnosed in the children of Fukushima Prefecture.
- NRC to rule on re-opening Ft. Calhoun near Omaha.
- Memorial service for Masao Yoshida, Fukushima Daiichi plant manager and leader of the Fukushima 50 whose bravery after the earthquake on 3/11/11 probably saved Tokyo, if not the world.
- Japanese PM Shinzo Abe says his government will stop the outflow of tainted water… but neglects to say how they’ll do it;
- Leak at Salem Unit 1 in New Jersey at 4 gallons a minute. No big deal? Now, imagine dumping that much milk on your kitchen floor.