NH #113: BREAKING! San Onofre Decomish Symposium w/Gene Stone, + Joe Mangano

The Future of Art in a Post-Fukushima World
The Future of Art in a Post-Fukushima World


Closing down San Onofre didn’t end the southern California nuclear battle, it just shifted focus.  Gene Stone of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment, talks about how the problems of decommissioning, those pesky spent fuel rods, and some surprising news about fuel radiation levels lead to a regrouping of activists and the upcoming Symposium on Decommissioning San Onofre and the Ongoing Dangers of Nuclear Waste — a foretaste of what others will be going through when their local nuclear reactor shuts down.

BONUS:  Joseph Mangano of Radiation and Public Health in a presentation on the impact of Fukushima on American health.  This is an encore taken from his speech at Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Symposium on the Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.  What problems were faced by researchers trying to get the word out?  And how bad did it get — and is it getting — in the U.S.?


  • TEPCO Radwater releasing BILLIONS of Bequerels of cesium per liter – directly into the Pacific Ocean and the groundwater at Fukushima;
  • Fukushima workers accuse TEPCO of lying about water leak for 27 months;
  • US Federal court commands Yucca Mountain be opened for radwaste storage <!>;
  • Evil propaganda video aimed at convincing Japanese children that Fukushima just had a little belly ache with its poo.
  • And Japan in total breakdown of sanity with FOUR, count them, FOUR Numnutz of the Week!  Numnutzes of the Week?  FOUR!
  • Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe eating a peach grown in Fukushima, assisted by two Fukushima residents
  • Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe eats a Fukushima peach with two Fukushima “peaches.”  (Yes, I know it’s sexist, but c’mon, these people are going publicly insane!)


BONUS:  Nancy Burton’s got  EPA head Gina McCarthy’s Goat (…and her name was Katie.):
