

Listen as veteran activists of the battle to shut down San Onofre celebrate the win by recalling where they were, how they received the news, what it means to them and where our movement goes from here (you didn’t think we were done, did you?).  Hear from:

  • Gary and Laurie Headrick of San Clemente Green
  • Gene Stone of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE)
  • Donna Gilmore of San Onofre Safety
  • Ray Lutz of Citizen’s Oversight
  • Urban planner Torgen Johnson
  • Cathy Iwane, who works with many groups as our direct connection to Japan

PLUS: National activists Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, Diane D’Arrigo of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), and Priscilla Star, founder of the Coalition Against Nukes (CAN).

Southern California activists and their expert advisors celebrate permanent closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant
Southern California activists and their expert advisors celebrate permanent closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant


  • Davis-Besse NPP protest gets boost from SanO closure;
  • Browns Ferry NPP implicated in increased mortality rates in surrounding counties;
  • Fukushima child thyroid cancer cases rise to 12 confirmed, 15 suspected; more than double February, 2013 rates;
  • Japanese parents take child thyroid testing to private testing events because they don’t trust the Fukushima Health Survey;
  • Transformer at France’s Catenom NPP explodes;
Cattenom NPP in France, explosion in transformer June, 2013
Cattenom NPP in France, explosion in transformer June, 2013
  • Swedish utility Vattenfall buying up land for possible new nuke;  SWEDEN, DON’T TOUCH IT!  IT’S EVIL!