Search Results for: 09

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NH #112: Hiroshima Anniversary, Fukushima Survivor Chikako Nishiyama, SLOMP’s Carole Hisasue

INTERVIEWS: Carole Hisasue left a successful media career in Japan for an idyllic life in America… but landed within six miles of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.  Now active with San Luis Obispo Nothers for Peace (SLOMP), she talks about this year’s northern California Hiroshima commemoration, including a Peace Walk with Buddhist Reverend Gyosen…

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NH #106: Keegan: Ohio’s Davis-Besse follows SanO Lead; MamaBears, Native Elders Protest Grand Canyon Uranium Mining

INTERVIEWS: Michael Keegan, Chair of the Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes, fills us in on how San Onofre strategy will impact the campaign to shut down Davis-Besse in Ohio.      Links: Beyond Nuclear – Citizens Environment Alliance SW Ontario – Don’t Waste Michigan – Sierra Club Ohio – MamaBears Brigade’s…

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NH #101: Hanford Spotlight w/PSR’s Daniel Noonan, Food Safety w/organic farmer Paul Frey

FEATURED INTERVIEWS: Daniel Noonan of Washington state Physicians for Social Responsibility fills us in on history of the Hanford Nuclear Site, with its leaks threatening the Columbia River and the entire Pacific Northwest.  Includes information on this week’s Public Meeting on Hanford to be held on May 23 at the Husky Union Building at the…

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NH #98: LaSalle SCRAMS x4; Will Chicagoans Have to Scram? NEIS’ Gail Snyder, Andrew Kishner

Nuclear Engineering at San Onofre (Photo: 10 News San Diego) INTERVIEW: When the LaSalle Nuclear Power Plant 125 miles from Chicago got hit with lightning on April 17, it set up a series of emergency shut-downs, unvented gas releases, and an untold amount of radiation let loose in the environment.  The issues are complex and deeply…

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NH #96: Naval Personnel Nuked w/Fukushima Radiation – FULL STORY

 FEATURED:  You may have heard about the sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan suing TEPCO for their radiation exposure, but you haven’t heard the whole story.  “The devil’s in the details,” as they say, and the details in this story from former quartermasters Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis promises to break your heart and and…

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NH #94: San Onofre Shocker: Elmo Out, Howell In! + Gary Headrick Explains SCE’s Slickery

INTERVIEW:  Gary Headrick of San Clemente Green walks us through recent manipulations and slickery by Southern California Edison and explains why SCE’s request for a licensing hearing by the NRC is not the same as an adjudicated licensing hearing by the NRC.  Plus the sudden departure of NRC Region IV head Elmo Collins, the new…

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NH #92: FUKUSHIMA BLACKOUT! Radiation Health Tips from FFAN’s Kimberly Roberson

  LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: INTERVIEW: Kimberly Roberson is a certified Diet Counselor and Nutrition Educator and has served on the board of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She has worked at Sane/Freeze, CALPIRG and Greenpeace USA;  and has lobbied for environmental and natural health issues on the state and federal level, as…

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NH #84: Nuclear Collusion, Radioactive Food w/Beyond Nuclear’s Cindy Folkers

PLUS: IAEA declares 47 Japanese reactors in “Long Term Shutdown;” Allegations of voter fraud arise after Japan’s general election that brought in a pro-nuke government; Nuke industry pre-3/11/13 talking points pushing the disinformation that “radiophobia” – fear of radiation – as more harmful to health than radiation <!>; Fuku fish caught w/2,500 times more radiation…