NH #277: India/Japan Nuclear Agreement Lies – Kumar Sundaram
This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Kumar Sundaram is a true firebrand in India’s ongoing fight against nuclear technology. He is a Research Consultant with the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace, known as CNDP and had done extensive work in Japan. We caught up with him in the middle of a three month fellowship in Japan, where he has been speaking to groups about the India/Japan nuclear agreement and gathering support for protests during next month’s visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Sign the petition against the India/Japan nuclear deal: click here.
Numnutz of the Week:
Terminal imprecision as as the Director of the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports that some bad stuff of a cyber nature happened at some nuclear reactor, some time in the last two or three years… but he’s not saying where, when, how, why, what happened, or who did it. (That’s some reporting, Reuters!) BUT – if nuclear reactors are such a terrorist cyber threat, why do we keep building them?